Warhammer 40K Theories: AdMech Are The Replacements for Necrons

Are the Adeptus Mechanicus just Necrons 2.0? Let’s take a look at this Warhammer 40K theory in more detail.
Both Necrons and AdMech are getting new codices right now. Despite playing rather differently, it makes sense why these two factions are often lumped together. Both are advanced tech-based factions of the Grimdark. More importantly, both are factions that either have, or seek to, discard the flesh in place of the mechanical. Conceptually they have a lot of similarities. However, at least one theory, or series of theories, holds that the two factions have even more in common than that. Take a look.
Biotransference – A Trick?
Biotransference was the process by which the modern race of Necrons was created. During The War In Heaven the mortal Necrontyr were convinced to give up their flesh bodies and transfer their essence into robotic bodies, known as the Necrons. This process allowed the Necrontyr to overcome the limitations of mortal flesh and become functionally immortal. It also saved them from destruction in the war and allowed them to best their ancient foes – The Old Ones.
It was also, unfortunately, a trap. The new Necrons were programmed for servitude and had largely lost their free will, becoming slaves of the C’tan. Most of the Necrontyr race lost their personality and, indeed their individuality. Only the leaders seemed to make the jump from Necrontyr to Necron with their personality mostly intact. In addition, it’s likely that the C’tan in some way, ate the very souls of the Necrontyr. Though they gained immortality, they traded free will and their living essence.
The Transporter Conundrum
The trade however may have been even worse than that. One persistent theory, and one shared by some of the Necrons themselves, was that Biotransference was itself a total lie. In essence, the arcane tech that was supposed to transfer the essence of the Necrontyr to their Necron bodies – was total BS. The Necrontyr died, committing racial mass suicide. The Necrons, those with any real memories, are just simple copies created by the C’tan. These mechanical vessels may not even have real memories of being Necrontyr. They may simply think they once were alive. As such, there is no way to permanently undo the process.
This is, in some ways similar to issues you see with Transporters in Star Trek and other forms of teleportation. If your body is totally destroyed and then rebuilt, are you truly you? Or are simply a copy of you? What defines you? However, the Necrons might have it even worse, and less philosophically. In the worst-case scenario copies of the Necrontyr were never actually made, just kind of similar ones, but missing a soul – arguably the defining aspect of a person in 40K.
AdMech- The Slow Transfer
Like the Necrontyr of old, the AdMech also seeks to overcome the limitations of the flesh. They wish to become closer, even one, with the Machine. They, however, have picked a different approach. The Necrontyr chose to make the change all at once, destroying their old bodies to gain new ones. The AdMech opt for a slower process, slowly replacing their old flesh bodies, with new mechanical parts (and sometimes other flesh bits). Most Magos will claim that they still retain some flesh bits, a mind, etc.. and so are still human. Though it is almost certain that, in some cases, this is not true. Much like the Necrons, this process gives greater benefits to the leaders. Even if they might claim some humanity, the low-level Servitors and even the Skitarii, often have little more real independence then a Necron warrior.
For the AdMech the question is not that of the Transporter, but more akin to the Ship of Theseus. At what point in the Ad-Mech’s flesh-to-mechanical replacement process, if any, do you cease to be you? Here at least, there doesn’t seem to be a trick or a trap.
The Necron-AdMech Connection
Now the main theory here is that there is more a Necron-AdMech connection than we think. There have always been some hints of one. The Dragon of Mars, which some claim is also the Machine God, the Omnissiah, might be of Necron or C’tan origin. It’s long been possible that Ad-Mech was built on worshipping a Xenos. It’s also possible the Necrons have had other effects on humanity. Some posit that the Pariah Gene was implanted in humanity by the Necrons. This would help account for the creation of Necron Pariah’s. If this was done, there might well be other manipulations and connections.
The most radical theory is that the entire Ad-Mech is an experiment by the Necrons. In effect, they, are trying to perfect a form of Biotransference that works. The slower AdMech version or replacement, might take longer, but it seems capable of actually granting a form of Immortality. In contrast, the process the Necrons underwent might not have worked.
Why the Necrons, or a Necron, would care to perfect Biotransference is slightly unclear. Maybe they simply want to one-up the C’tan. Maybe they want to make it work so they can try to reverse-engineer a cure for the Necrons. It could be that it’s not the Nacrons, but the C’tan, or even someone like the Emperor, who saw the power gained by the Necrons, but is unwilling to pay the same price. Either way, the idea that the AdMech are simply on their way to being a version of the Necrons – that actaully works is an interesting one.
Let us know what you think of this theory, down in the comments!