Warhammer: Horus Heresy – White Scars Stormseer Consul Brings The Wrath of Chogoris

There’s a new White Scar character coming for the Horus Heresy. Meet the new Stormseer Consul, bringer of the storm!
The White Scars might be known for their bike tactics but don’t discount their infantry heroes. The Stormseer Consuls are essentially the Librarians for the Legion but they have their own talents and ways. And now they have a new look to boast, too.
“With their horizons broadened by the shamanistic customs of Chogoris, Stormseers tap into wisdom beyond the ken of their brothers. This invites much scepticism from the more stringent members of the Legions Astartes, and many viewed their esoteric methods as deviations from the Imperial Truth.”
White Scars Stormseer Consul
The new model is rocking the traditional bolter and force staff you might see a Librarian wield. However, this one has more of a shamanistic vibe due to the nature of the training provided by the White Scars and their own traditions. The Stormseer Consul also comes with an alternate helmeted option if you want to go with that look instead.
“By tapping into the empyrean they can obscure their allies’ approach with mist and fog, place a favourable wind behind flanking Golden Keshig, and impede enemy forces with foul tempests and withering hail. When a more direct approach is required, Stormseers will not hesitate to call down bolts of pure white lightning from the skies.”
This model will be available in Forge World resin and will be available to order “soon” from Games Workshop.
Call the storm, Chogorian style!