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WotC’s 3rd Party Plans Ripen – ‘D&D Beyond’ Introduces ‘Grim Hollow’ And ‘Dungeons Of Drakkenheim’

3 Minute Read
Nov 30 2023

WotC welcomes another 3rd Party creator to D&D Beyond with two titles from Ghostfire Gaming: Lairs of Etharis and Dungeons of Drakkenheim.

Wizards of the Coast brings new third-party content to the official D&D Beyond marketplace. Alongside Critical Role’s Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn, D&D Beyond will soon feature two titles from Ghostfire Gaming, a “founder-led, direct-to-consumer Tabletop games publisher” whom you might recognize as the publishers of The Dungeon DudesDungeons of Drakkenheim.

Which would be awfully convenient, since that’s one of the two new titles coming to D&D Beyond. The other, Grim Hollow: Lairs of Etharis, is available today, per a surprise announcement from D&D Beyond.

WotC’s 3rd Party Net Widens: Two New Titles On D&D Beyond

Etharis: A godless, unforgiving, war-torn world.

A corrupt world of horrific aberrations, impossible landscapes, and endless danger.

A world in desperate need of heroes.

Can you hunt, salvage, and survive the monsters of Etharis? Each of the adventures contained within can be run by themselves or as part of an ongoing campaign. Lairs of Etharis is the perfect introduction to the Grim Hollow campaign setting.

    • Explore 20 ready-made horror fantasy adventures for levels 1-20 with maps integrated in D&D Beyond Maps!
    • Hunt 75+ new horror-themed monsters in the D&D Beyond Encounter Builder, and learn to salvage their remains to craft new magic items.
    • A host of new player options are available to use: 2 new feats, 7 spells, and 10 magic items in the D&D Beyond character builder.


Lairs of Etharis is a map/lair book while Dungeons of Drakkenheim is a campaign that you can play through that draws inspiration from another name BoLS Readers will be familiar with: Mordheim.

The city of Drakkenheim was destroyed by an Eldritch-fueled calamity…but it did not die. Venture into the shattered city with your party and discover the secrets within this dark fantasy campaign!

    • An epic cosmic-horror-fueled DM-ready campaign for levels 1-13
    • Add over 50 new monsters, NPCs, and legendary creatures for use in D&D Beyond Encounters
    • Empower characters with 40+ new magic items, 14 new spells, and 5 new backgrounds
    • Bring the world of Drakkenheim to life with mechanics for personal quests, rivals, scheming factions, and urban exploration
    • Explore detailed maps and battle Drakkenheim’s forces with D&D Beyond Maps

D&D Beyond Shaking Things Up

This is a huge move for D&D Beyond. And a step that other virtual tabletop platforms have already taken. Case in point, you can find official Roll20 packs for a variety of books (but not the two coming to D&D Beyond).


And it’s the addition of new D&D Beyond specific features that gives us a look ahead at what WotC is planning. With the upcoming launch of their virtual tabletop (a move which famously prompted another 3rd-party 5E creator, Matt Colville, to say ‘the clock is ticking’ for 5th Edition), and D&D Beyond as the nexus at the heart of it, it’s easy to see how these integrated features are a leg up.

WotC’s hegemonic plans notwithstanding, this is a huge win for Ghostfire Gaming and The Dungeon Dudes.

You can check out Lairs of Etharis on D&D Beyond here.

And pre-order Dungeons of Drakkenheim right here.

What next for D&D Beyond?


Author: J.R. Zambrano
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