Anime Box Sets That Will Make Perfect Holiday Gifts

If you’re not sure what to get for the anime fan in your life, these box sets may just help them complete a collection or two.
Shopping for holiday gifts can be hard. Between people who buy whatever they want and leave nothing on their wish-list, people who say that they don’t need anything, and people who genuinely don’t need anything, it can be difficult to figure out exactly what everyone on your list would like. But if you’re shopping for an anime fan, these box sets may be a good place to start.
1. Classic Trigun

Do you know anybody who got really into Trigun Stampede this year? How about somebody who got into Trigun Stampede as a first introduction to the series and never watched the original?
Stampede was a lot of new fans’ introduction to this far-future space western and brought a lot of new fans to the older anime series. So give the gift of classic-ish anime with OG Trigun. Does it hurt to call one of my long-time favorite shows ‘classic?’ Yes. But if the aging shoe fits…
2. Fullmetal Althemist Manga

Fullmetal Alchemist is widely considered one of the best anime/manga ever, and for good reason. It’s great. Sure, the original anime went a little rogue… and then a little completely off of the walls. Sure, they had to make an entirely new anime to actually follow along with the manga.
But that manga is fantastic and this gigantic box set will get you all 27 volumes plus a two-sided poster. Individually collecting an entire set of any long-running series is a pain, this set will make that collection easy.
3. Chainsaw Man

Another hit from this year’s new anime releases, Chainsaw Man is a show that I’ve had a few relatives ask me about this year at holiday parties. Yes, of course I’ve seen it, but I’m surprised you have! It’s also a series that’s absolutely off-the-wall bonkers and goes in a million directions you never expect.
Unfortunately, this isn’t a complete box set… because the manga is still ongoing. But with the first eleven volumes, it’s a darn good start.
4. Sakura Snack Box

Not everybody needs anime or manga. Between limited shelf space and the fact that we’ll just get the series we want to physically collect for ourselves, sometimes it’s a better bet to go in a different direction with gifts. And you know what doesn’t take up any shelf space and likely won’t take up any space at all for very long? A big box of delicious snacks. Give the gift of stuff to munch on while they’re watching the anime they already have.
5. Shonen Jump Subscription

You know what else takes up no space at all and will effectively give them full box sets of lots and lots of manga at once? A Shonen Jump subscription. At a little under three bucks a month, it’s not a very expensive subscription or gift, and and has a pretty lengthy unlimited library of manga to read on your phone or computer.
Want to catch up on One Piece but don’t want to watch 1,000+ episodes? The manga is all there and reads very quickly. Plus My hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, Demon Slayer, One Punch Man, Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Spy x Family- you get the idea. And of course, there are apps for their Android or Apple devices.
Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money to buy many, many more bookshelves.