‘Blue Eye Samurai’ Review – One of Us

Netflix’s anime series tend to be a mixed bag – is this one hit? Check out One of Us crew’s Blue Eye Samurai review.
Welcome to Edo-era Japan, where isolationism is key to survival. Anyone who is an outsider is ostracized, maybe sometimes murdered. The Japanese don’t want to fuck with white folk (for good reasons). But you know what white colonizers are like – a pillage here, a bunch of rapes over there. The rape turns into an unexpected pregnancy and a baby born to a country that sees them as a half-breed. Meet Mizu, a Samurai on the revenge track to murdering four white men (or potential fathers), so her soul can be at peace. But the road to revenge is never easy, and Mizu will have to form alliances if she wants to see her mission succeed.
Blue Eye Samurai Review
The story is good, but where the magic lies is in the animation, which is a mix of traditional anime techniques mixed in with 3d rendering. It’s crazy how good this is compared to the traditional fare we receive from our Netflix overlords. This show has style, heart, and full-frontal nudity. Do yourself a favor and binge this… maybe with your mom in the room to make it more awkward. This has been Mindy, Jena, and Chad approved.
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