D&D: All Three of MCDM’s New 5E Classes in a Single Bundle at Last

A new bundle gathers together all three of MCDM Productions custom 5E classes: the Beastheart, Illrigger, and the psionic Talent.
If you’ve been playing D&D 5th Edition, you know that there are a grand total of twelve classes. And that twelfth, the Artificer, often gets the shortest end of the stick, despite being the newest one on the block. I’m just saying, the Artificer isn’t going to be in the 2024 Core Rulebook. WotC prefers to keep their classes to a nice round eleven, it seems.
Which is why one of the things people are so hungry for is new classes. Once you’ve played a Roggue and a Fighter and a Wizard you get the idea. You start to get hungry for new ways to play. Then you’re multiclassing, and next thing you know you’re digging up the character optimization boards on the Internet Archive and are about to plunge headlong into 3.5E D&D.
Now, I won’t stop you, but you should know, that many people have been where you are. And some of them have decided to go the route of publishing their own book. Enter MCDM Productions, Matt Colville’s studio responsible for Strongholds & Followers and Kingdoms & Warfare, as well as an untitled new fantasy RPG that’s killing it on BackerKit.
They have, so far, released three separate, fully fleshed-out classes. And not just classes, either. Because these classes aren’t just a collection of mechanics, they’re a story. They come with their own fictional impact on the world and rules that reflect it. The Talent introduces Psionics to 5th Edition in a much more satisfying way than the “get a dice you roll sometimes” of vanilla 5E, for instance.
And now, you can try them all as part of a single bundle, new to DriveThruRPG.
MCDM 5E Class Bundle – Now on DriveThruRPG
In this bundle, you will get Beastheart and Monstrous Companions:
“MCDM’s Beastheart and Monstrous Companions codifies the fantasy of adventuring alongside a wild companion. This supplement presents rules for companions: wild creatures that any character in your 5e game can befriend and bring along on adventures. They aren’t always easy to control, but having a basilisk bud is totally worth it. The Beastheart class then builds on those rules, letting a character work in maximum harmony with a companion. This new class presents a hero who is never without their faithful friend, and who shares a supernatural bond with a companion that allows both to perform incredible feats fueled by primal power. Let’s get wild! In battle, your companion builds ferocity, a new resource they can spend to use special actions like Earthshaker, Slime Shower, and Owlie Oop.”
It’s everything you wanted the Beastmaster Ranger to be and then some. Basically.
Or take the Illrigger for a spin. These are the infernal answers to Paladins. They’re dark, broody, and powered by a fiendish contract:
“The Illrigger is MCDM’s first custom class for 5th Edition! Illriggers are versatile armored warriors with a wide array of supernatural abilities that reflect the infernal source of their power. Depending on their contract they can be highly mobile stealthy assassins, heavily armored battlefield commanders, or fighting illusionists. In addition to the class and three subclass options, The Illrigger contains five new spells, an Illrigger NPC, and three Illrigger retainers compatible with the Followers rules in Strongholds & Followers.”
Finally we have the Talent. This is perhaps the biggest one yet. It introduces the framework for Psionics as well as a class that can use them to basically be a fantasy superhero. It’s a ton of fun:
“This fifth edition supplement features MCDM’s next class, The Talent — a hero that uses mind powers to battle monsters and overcome obstacles. This is the MCDM take on the psion! Characters with extraordinary mental powers not derived from prayer or magic feature in many of our favorite stories—Eleven from Stranger Things, Professor X or Jean Grey from the X-Men. Many of Stephen King’s stories, like Dead Zone or Firestarter, feature pyrokinetics or telekinetics. The Talent and Psionics gives you rules to build these characters. Talents don’t use spell slots. Instead, when you manifest a power, you might gain strain. At first, strain isn’t anything more than an annoyance, but as it accumulates, it becomes more debilitating.
Check out the MCDM 5E Class Bundle on DriveThruRPG
And take a new class for a spin in your next game. Just talk to your DM first.