D&D: Five Magic Weapons With a Whole Lot of Personality

Magic swords are cool… until they start talking and telling you you’re doing it wrong. Here are five weapons with sharp personalities.
In Dungeons & Dragons, one of the most exciting moments can be finding that magical weapon you’ve been waiting for. Maybe it’s a cool sword, or rare still, an axe. Either way, it’s super exciting… right up until it comes to life in your hands and asks what you’re doing.
Talking weapons are a trope as old as time. And not limited to fantasy either.
Can’t live with ’em, can’t slay your enemies without ’em.
Pronounced azure-edge, this magical battleaxe was forged by the archwizard Ahghairon in order to defend the city of Waterdeep. And while it’s plenty powerful, with the ability to bypass a shield spell entirely, as well as dealing an extra 2d6 radiant damage to fiends or undead (while also being a +3 axe), it is however single-minded.
Azuredge was sworn to protect waterdeep. And that’s all it wants to do. In fact, it wants only to be wielded by a law-abiding person willing to dedicate their entire life to defending the city.
And if someone uses it against its will, it can make itself ten times heavier than normal (still liftable, it’s only 4 lbs base) or magically adhere to any Medium or larger object or surface it comes into contact with. So not only does it want you to be a Waterdeep cop, it can throw a fit and go boneless when you don’t.
Nepenthe is a magical longsword that almost seems like a holy avenger. Nepenthe is a +3 weapon that deals 2d10 extra radiant damage to undead and fiends. And it sheds an aura of protection around you… however, Nepenthe is also neutral evil and has become twisted and unable to distinguish guilty people from the innocent. All it wants is to feel that it’s fulfilling its purpose, which is to behead anyone they perceive as a criminal.
And it is able to tell you so by communicating telepathically with you.
Hazirawn is a magical greatsword. This time, only a +1, and only capable of dealing an extra 1d6 bonus necrotic damage. At least until you attune to it. Once you’re vibing with Hazirawn, that bonus rises to a +2 and +2d6 extra necrotic damage.
Additionally, Hazirawn can grant you the ability to cast a number of spells… so long as you do exactly what it wants. It was an ancient Netherese weapon, and it will use its capacity for speech to help force you into situations that it wants you to deal with.
This magical longsword is actually a good one. It’s a beautiful sword whose blade is forged of pure radiance. It deals extra radiant damage on any hit, and it emits bright light in a 15-foot radius around you, making you impossible to miss.
Dawnbringer does, however, hate to be sheathed, and would prefer that its blade was always shining. Even and especially in the dark places of the world. Where the creatures that lurk there can see you for miles.
Finally, we have Blackrazor. A weapon that wants nothing more than to devour the souls of the living. And as long as you do whatever you can to keep it fed, it’s going to be your friend.
But the second it gets hungry and you don’t help it out, Blackrazor will start to try and eat your soul. Hopefully, you’ve got a strong will.
Happy Adventuring