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D&D: ‘The Seeker’s Guide to Enchanting Emporiums’ – Magic Item Shops & More For 5E

3 Minute Read
Dec 13 2023

The Seeker’s Guide to Enchanting Emporiums promises to bring more than 15 magic item shops, quests, and more to your D&D games.

The Seeker’s Guide to Enchanting Emporiums is a crowdfunded supplement from Ghostfire Gaming and Eldermancy that seeks to correct a longstanding problem with 5E. You can’t buy magic items. Well, you sort of can, but it’s up to the DM to figure it out almost completely on their own.

Magic items don’t have prices. They have suggestions. And there are no sample magic item shops. Outside of the listed things like Holy Water and Potions of Healing, and spell scrolls. But you want more than that from your magic item shops, don’t you?

After all, Critical Role has proved, repeatedly, that shopping episodes are the heart of any game.

And there’s a good reason for this. Shopping gives you a chance to play your character in the most mundane circumstances (going to the store, say). But you get to be a cool fantasy badass and/or chaotic queer disaster while you do it. Mundane moments are often where characters are discovered.

And The Seeker’s Guide to Enchanting Emporiums wants to make those mundane moments memorable, magical, and, uh, more.

The Seeker’s Guide to Enchanting Emporiums

From Eldermancy and Ghostfire Gaming (who have two titles coming up on D&D Beyond), The Seeker’s Guide to Enchanting Emporiums is “a wondrous collection of boutiques, stores, and parlors to fit any game!” It’s a big splatbook full of uniquely designed magic item shops, boasting well more than 15 (thanks to hitting multiple stretch goals). But it also has NPCs, Quests, plot hooks, and of course, magic items to populate the shop’s stores with.


If you are a DM looking to flesh out your cities or need something in a hurry to run the everyday shopping trip your players insist on doing even though you’ve carefully prepped the most involved dungeon crawl you’ve ever designed, this book has you covered. Colorful NPCs, quest hooks, and encounters of the social and combat variety.

This book is for folks who want to do more roleplay, especially. And there are more than just shops and shopkeepers, there are traveling merchants whom parties might encounter on the road.


And of course, there are plenty of extras. There’s the Dice Tower/model emporium The “dice potions” are bottles full of dice you can roll. And a whole bunch of other stuff, including plushes, pins, and more.

There’s only about a week left in the Kickstarter, so check it out now, while you still can.

Back The Seeker’s Guide to Enchanting Emporiums on Kickstarter

And hey, maybe when you prepare for shopping trips, the players will actually head out for that dungeon crawl!

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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