‘Dungeons of Drakkenheim’ Hits D&D Beyond — Get Eldritch Today!

Mordheim-esque eldritch monsters and rival factions await in a new 3rd-party campaign on D&D Beyond. Check out Dungeons of Drakkenheim.
The fated hour has arrived. And D&D Beyond’s 3rd party publisher experiments are truly beginning in earnest now. The process that started with Critical Role’s Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn and continued with Ghostfire Gaming’s other work, Lairs of Etharis, brings you a full campaign: Dungeons of Drakkenheim.
Created by the Dungeon Dudes, whom you might know from YouTube, in conjunction with Ghostfire Gaming, Dungeons of Drakkenheim is a campaign set in a city ravaged by a meteor shower. And since it’s a meteor shower in a fantasy realm, that can only mean one thing: it’s about to get eldritch.
What if you’re in a fantasy world and something comes from space? It’s gonna have tentacles. The meteors are gonna be filthy with reality-warping radiation that’s going to mutate things. That’s just how it is.
Even when something good comes from space in a fantasy story, it’s still eldritch. Like the elephant-headed alien in that one Conan story.
And so it is with Dungeons of Drakkenheim. The city gets hit with a meteor shower, and it’s up to you to delve into it to find treasure, fight monsters, and do fantasy hero things. Check it out.
Dungeons of Drakkenheim
The city of Drakkenheim was destroyed by an Eldritch-fueled calamity… but it did not die. Now, the city is a dismal urban wasteland contaminated by otherworldly magic and haunted by hideous monsters. Venture into the shattered city with your party and discover the secrets within this dark fantasy campaign:
- An epic cosmic-horror-fueled DM ready campaign for levels 1-13
- Add over 50 new monsters, NPCs, and legendary creatures for use in D&D Beyond Encounters
- Empower characters with 40+ new magic items, 14 new spells, and 5 new backgrounds
- Bring the world of Drakkenheim to life with mechanics for personal quests, rivals, scheming factions, and urban exploration
- Explore 57 detailed maps and battle Drakkenheim’s forces with D&D Beyond Maps
The new campaign makes heavy use of D&D Beyond’s new ‘maps’ feature, which is to be expected. Because we’re starting to see D&D Beyond transition from character/rules hub into full VTT mode. It’s not there yet, but you can see the road signs posted.
And Drakkenheim has a lot going for it. Because it’s such a tightly focused campaign, the city is full of factions that may clash. You might run up against a rival adventuring party. You might just spend a lot of time wishing you had a Bloodborne character’s i-frame dodge because some of the encounters can hit pretty hard. And also Drakkenheim feels like it could have been in a Bloodborne.
It’s available as of today on D&D Beyond, so be sure and check it out if you’re looking for something a little more cosmic horror for your next D&D campaign.
Check out Dungeons of Drakkenheim on D&D Beyond
Just don’t get too close to the meteors and you’ll be fine.