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Games Workshop: Advent Engine Day 13 – ‘The Fuse Is Lit’

3 Minute Read
Dec 13 2023

Games Workshop has lit the fuse with the latest Advent Engine. The question is what happens when it goes BOOM.

Welcome to the Advent Engine! It’s that special time of year when Games Workshop’s teaser department kicks into overdrive and we get the Advent Engine every day for (almost) a month! I hope you’re feeling lucky on day 13 because we’ve got a bit of a bomb situation with this image. But don’t take my word for it — see it for yourself.

via Warhammer Community

“The Advent Engine sure knows how to make a blast, and today’s image certainly looks like it could do that… but we re-fuse to speculate further.”

Advent Engine The Fuse Is Lit

It’s pretty clear we’ve got a fuse that’s burning down into a crude looking bomb. Or at least it’s a pretty safe bet it’s a bomb. Anyhow, based on the rough and beaten metal and the bolts, my gut is telling me this is an Orky creation. Or should I say Orruky?

Could this be a nod to even more Hobgrots coming to the Age of Sigmar? They do have explosives. And those explosives are bolted together. That’s certainly one way GW could expand that arm of the Kruleboyz range. But let’s not put this one past other members of the Orruk Warclans either.


But they aren’t even the only faction that would use an implement like this. The roughshod craftsmanship could also be from the sneaky Skaven, too.


The are also fans of things that go BOOM. And beaten metal is certainly in their wheelhouse as well. They are pretty ingenious inventors as well and have been pretty quiet lately. That’s probably a bad sign, right?


This could also easily be something from the Gobbos in 40k, too. I wouldn’t put a bomb like this past them either. So while I might be leaning a bit heavy on the Orks with this one it really could be from either universe.

But that’s where you come in. If you’ve got any ideas where this bomb could be from drop us a line in the comments. We’re going to have to wait until next year (at minimum) to find out anyhow!

Previous Advent Engines:

Day One – ‘Wings And More To Come’

Day Two – ‘Now That’s A Purity Seal’

Day Three – ‘Minefield’

Day Four – ‘Fur Cape’

Day Five – ‘Branching Out’


Day 6 – ‘Book Report’

Day 7 – ‘Chain Gang’

Day 8 – ‘Servo Skull To The Rescue’

Day 9 – ‘Light The Incense’

Day 10 – ‘Three Pronged Approach’

Day 11 – ‘Double Buckle-Up’

Day 12 – ‘Clobbering Club’


If the gobbos didn’t light the fuse then who did?

Author: Adam Harrison
  • Games Workshop: Advent Engine Day 12 - 'Clobbering Club'