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Games Workshop: Advent Engine Day 21 – ‘Boots With The Fur’

3 Minute Read
Dec 21 2023

There’s not much else to say about this Advent Engine. Although I don’t think Advent Engine from Games Workshop is a pair of Uggs.

Welcome to the Advent Engine! It’s that special time of year when Games Workshop’s teaser department kicks into overdrive and we get the Advent Engine every day for (almost) a month! We’re nearing the home stretch here as we’ve hit day 21 and it’s been quite the ride so far. Today’s image has us thinking of hitting the club — if only for a moment. These “stylish” boots do indeed bring the fur. See for yourself.

via Warhammer Community

“The Advent Engine is into its final few reveals now, and it looks like it’s getting ready to give us the boot. Quite a stylish boot, too – we love the fur. We also have a question – who’s wearing it? Do they have a second leg? What’s their shoe size?”

Advent Engine ‘Boots With The Fur’

The first thing that hits me from this image (other than it being a boot) is that it’s midair. Now, GW could have easily cut out the background from this image. However, I wonder if this has something to do with a previous Advent Engine.

It’s quite possible this could be the rider of the horse that’s galloping along. That would explain why it’s floating and why you can see the knee and thigh bent the way they are. It sure looks like it could be in a seated position. But then I have to ask where’s the stirrup? Maybe this horse is walking the wrong trail…


That said, I know what I HOPE this is. It’s a long shot but I’m hoping is new Chaos Marauder Horsemen. It’s probably not as even they have stirrups. But I was thinking the fur boots would fit.

These boots also made me think of the Snarlfang Riders. They don’t have traditional stirrups and have leather shoes, albeit without the fur. Perhaps these riders are in a similar ballpark? We won’t know for sure until they get revealed.

But here’s where you come in! If you’ve got any theories you know what to do: drop them in the comments and let us know what you think this Advent Engine could be teasing.

Previous Advent Engines:

Day One – ‘Wings And More To Come’


Day Two – ‘Now That’s A Purity Seal’

Day Three – ‘Minefield’

Day Four – ‘Fur Cape’

Day Five – ‘Branching Out’

Day 6 – ‘Book Report’

Day 7 – ‘Chain Gang’

Day 8 – ‘Servo Skull To The Rescue’


Day 9 – ‘Light The Incense’

Day 10 – ‘Three Pronged Approach’

Day 11 – ‘Double Buckle-Up’

Day 12 – ‘Clobbering Club’

Day 13 – ‘The Fuse Is Lit’

Day 14 – ‘Yep, That’s a Stormbolter’

Day 15 – ‘Someone Needs A Tailor’


Day 16 – ‘Hard Spirits’

Day 17 – ‘Hoofin’ Around’

Day 18 – ‘Not A Lick of Sense’

Day 19 – ‘Alchemical Concoction’

Day 20 – ‘Gladius of War’


The Advent Engine only has a few more days of teasers…


Author: Adam Harrison
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