Take Another Look at the Readers’ Choice Comic Cosplays of 2023

From Marvel to traditional newspapers, these are your highest-viewed comic cosplay articles of the year!
It’s finally that time of year- the time when writers sit down with a cup of cocoa and review their year’s work. Each year we release a collection of the highest-viewed cosplays of the year by genre. In case you missed them the first time around, we’ve got a powerhouse collection of artistic talent in store.

Visual art can be a powerful potion for a cosplay construction, and this list is full of the most viewed art-to-cosplay transformations of the year. It’s no surprise that Marvel would dominate a list of this type, but we have some surprises in store for you!
5. Leather Straps, Hot Pokers, and Morticia Addams Cosplay

While newer audiences would know her from the classic movies and TV shows, Morticia Addams and her creepy, cooky family were originally a comic strip! Morticia’s sensual elegance pops off the page. The fifth most viewed comic cosplay of the year features our favorite goth mom.
It’s been hours since we tangoed, but these Morticia Addams cosplays might just hold us over until next Halloween.
Morticia Addams is one of the biggest gothic heartthrobs of my generation. Period, end of story. Her classic beauty, penchant for the dark and twisty, and unbridled devotion to her family have cemented her as a tv and film icon to last for ages. Halloween might be over, but never forget that the Addams Family is technically a Christmas/Holiday film- so today we’re celebrating the best of Morticia Addams cosplay.

4. Sparks Fly For This ‘X-Men’ Jubilee Cosplay

This entry into the top five brings me personal pleasure; Jubilee was one of my first comic loves. With her bright personality and vivid colors, the art style of this gorgeous girl always stood out to me. Though she wasn’t given a proper shake in the movies, we’re putting Jubilee front and center on our list!
We’re seeing fireworks, this Jubilee cosplay has major electric energy!
When diving into the nostalgia of yesteryear recently, I was reminded of the very first comic character I ever fell in love with. As a young, sassy girl trying to find my place in the world, I was quickly drawn to the quick wit and flashy aesthetic of the X-Men‘s Jubilee. To celebrate this trip down memory lane, I uncovered a sparkling cosplay recreation of my favorite X-Men character.

3. This Marvel Black Cat Cosplay Will Steal Your Heart
While Black Cat isn’t a character I have ever read much about, she’s certainly one of the strongest we’ve seen in 2023. She’s a bad girl with an edge of glamor, and it’s no surprise a Spider-Man character would earn the third-place spot!
She’s sly, sleek, and sexy – and this Black Cat cosplay is here to cause trouble.
AdvertisementSome cosplayers are funny, and cosplayers some are stoic. Some cosplayers are bubbly and light, and others are action-packed. Today we’re featuring a cosplayer who brings sexy back in a big way – Anya Ichios Cosplay is a constant source of elegance and sensuality. Black Cat is the dark horse of Marvel comics, and this feisty lady can’t be tamed.

4. Marvel’s Mutant Comes To Life In This Goddess Mystique Cosplay

This is the cosplay that can’t give me enough. Inspired by a gorgeous fantastical goddess design, this version of Mystique is the most creative, striking version I’ve seen. It stays true to the comic visuals of the character while elevating her to a WHOLE new level.
This cosplayer is taking creativity to the next level, embodying the artistic creation of the Goddess Mystique cosplay.
Subscribe to our newsletter!Get Tabletop, RPG & Pop Culture news delivered directly to your inbox.By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.Cosplay is an extraordinary art form where creative passion meets construction ability. Many times, cosplay projects are artistic renderings of characters. We’ve covered artists like Gladzy Kei Art & Cosplay, who is known for her gorgeous warrior armored cosplay art. This week we’re diving into the Marvel universe with a mystical piece of fan art that inspired a sensational cosplay!

1. From Canvas To Cosplay: The Best Of Art-Inspired Cosplays
Topping our reader’s choice comic list for 2023 is… the list of lists! I put together an article highlighting the transformation from art to cosplay character, and the jury is in. You loved it! We’ll keep looking for exciting new collections of cosplays in the coming year- let us know what you would like to see!
Cosplayers are bringing artistic expression to new heights through art-inspired cosplay designs.
Art often inspires life, and the world of cosplay is a prime example. Whether their inspiration comes from books or movies, comic characters, or fan art, cosplayers are motivated by a variety of elements. This week we’ve collected a set of gorgeous female cosplay characters, with a twist: each of these art-inspired cosplay designs springs from a famous character.

That’s all for our Reader’s Choice comic cosplays of the year. Let us know what YOUR favorite cosplays of the year were!

~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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