Horus Heresy: Teasers – More In Store For 2024

You didn’t think the Horus Heresy was finished getting new miniatures did you? Games Workshop has more coming in 2024!
This is a welcomed surprise teaser from Games Workshop as the Horus Heresy got a teaser video this year. There’s more than a few hidden gems on the way for 2024. Prepare for reinforcements as the Horus Heresy continues.
“It’s been a busy year for the Horus Heresy, what with the thunderous arrival of the MKVI Assault Squad, the MKIII Tactical Squad, the mighty Deredeo Dreadnought, plastic Cerastus-class Knights, and more – and 2024 is set to be just as intense.”
Horus Heresy Teasers 2024
The first teaser is of a Space Marine with a Standard. It looks like another legion is getting their standard to plant on the battlefield. The video also looked like he was holding his helm in his left hand, too.
It’s looking like 2024 will be a good year for the Solar Auxilia as the second main teasers here was for a Solar Auxilia proto-Sentinel. This is likely some type of scout walker unit. I’m curious about this miniature and wonder if how we’ll see it fielded. Will it be a single model unit or can you run them in packs.
The third and final teaser was for another Solar Auxilia miniature. This one had a back banner but had the gear of a Solar Auxilia trooper. So again, looks like it could be their time to shine in 2024.
Personally, I’m wondering if we’re going to get any more Solar Auxilia units for Legions Imperialis, too. There was quite a few new units created for that game and I wonder if they are going to get 32mm versions also. It kind of makes sense GW is expanding that miniature range. While there’s plenty of Space Marine kits and they always seem to find more to make, the Solar Auxilia opens up a lot more miniature options to work on.
More Horus Heresy ahead in 2024!