Meet the Peoples of the Wilderlands in ‘The One Ring RPG’

It’s time to roll the dice on new releases! Come check out this week’s batch of brand-new tabletop role-playing games.
Peoples of Wilderland – The One Ring™
Peoples of Wilderland contains all you need to create Player-heroes hailing from the lands of Rhovanion in your games of The One Ring™. The Heroic Cultures provided are Beornings, Elves of Mirkwood, and Woodmen of Wilderland. Each comes with a full write-up, art, and new unique virtues.
FlexTale Solo Image Oracle Omnibus – Any System
The FlexTale Solo Image Oracle is an innovative creative tool for solo adventurers to generate dynamic, intriguing answers to questions about your campaign and the adventures that take place within it.
A simple roll of 3d6 is all you need to generate over 5,400 answers and pieces of creative content for any campaign setting, any situation, and any level of skill as a G/DM.
100 Dark Secrets – Any System
Those who answer the call to a life of adventure are often depicted as shining heroes, whose stories become legends in the minds of those who hear the tales of their deeds. The truth, though, is that these so-called adventurers are just people. They eat when they’re hungry, they go to the privy when their bodies demand and they all have parts of themselves they want to hide.
For some, it might be a truth about who they are, or the origins of their abilities. For others, it might be shameful things they’ve done, or failures they simply cannot let go of. Many of them manage to bury these things entirely until they’ve passed out of living memory.
Heroes & Hollows – 5E
Get ready for one of the SIMPLEST FANTASY RPGs you’ve ever played.
Fantasy roleplaying games have provided endless hours of fun for gamers across the globe. Yet, for those new to the world of gaming, it can be a bit daunting to try and pick a game and learn a rules set that seems so complicated. Even seasoned gamers may be searching for a more straightforward way to play. Based on the Fifth Edition system of the world’s most famous fantasy RPG, and stripped down to the barest of bones rules, this is one of the easiest ways to play an RPG with friends or family.
Heroes & Hollows may be the right solution for anyone looking for a simpler way to game with their group.
Monsters of Mythos Vol 1: Scylla and Charybdis – 5E
Face down a deadly choice as you brave the aquatic horrors; Scylla and Charybdis. One hides in the rocks, waiting to devour any wayward sailors that cross her path, while the other lies below the surface, pulling in the ocean above it and swallowing any ship unfortunate to cross her path.
Who will you choose to face?
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