MTG: Go Down to the Bayou – Top 5 Sultai Commanders

Graveyards may be temporary but it still isn’t somewhere you want to be. Unless you’re playing a Sultai Commander that is.
Welcome Planeswalkers and Praetors to our ongoing series about the best casual experience in Magic: Commander. For the uninitiated Commander is a semi-casual format for Magic: the Gathering. You use a deck of 100 cards led by a legendary creature, aka, your Commander.
Aside from basic lands, you are only allowed one copy of each card in the deck. Moreover, you can only include cards in your Commander’s “color identity” or artifacts. Each color and color combo has a unique playstyle and a wealth of mighty generals to lead your deck to victory. is a great source for Commander info and can give you ideas to build your next Commander deck or tune an existing one.
Sultai combines the three colors you need to make the perfect bog: Green for growth, Blue for water, and Black for regrowth. This Wedge is all about your creatures’ effects and ensuring you get them quickly or multiple times. You’ll be dumping a lot of cards with this color combination, but don’t worry; the swamp will always bring it back.
Muldrotha, the Gravetide
At the top of the lineup is Swamp-Thing himself, Muldrotha. This bog elemental doesn’t care where your permanents are coming from, and he gives you the option to keep them coming back. The only way around this powerhouse is exile, but after a while, your opponent will be drained of resources and life.
Yarok, the Desecrated
Long before Elesh Norn sat her porcelain booty on the ETB-doubling throneKrieg Army Set, it was occupied by the Elemental Yarok. This monstrous entity not only kills everything it touches and gives you life in the bargain, but he doubles up on everything hitting the field. With all the powerful ETBs in GUB, you’re just a few cards away from a war crime.
Zaxara, the Exemplary
If there are two things that should never be combined, it’s Nightmares and Hydras. However, Zaxara checks both boxes beautifully with a powerful card. She has deathtouch, is a mana dork, and makes MORE Hydras whenever you cast an X spell. Say, what is in the mana cost of almost every Hydra again?
Tatsunari, Toad Rider
Basically Naruto without the fox spirit and the orange jumpsuit, Tatsunari is an interesting card choice. He makes a Frog friend, can drain your opponents, and likes enchantments. Plus, since he can make the Frog unblockable, he’s an excellent ninjutsu enabler. This is one of the only times I’d say put Yuriko in the 99, not the Command Zone.
Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Tasigur, played by Ian Malcolm in this case, is the final entry, and he’s…odd. He puts cards in your graveyard and then pulls them back to your hand, but he can also make himself cheaper by removing graveyard pieces. Basically, you can pick what pieces are in the graveyard to give your opponent the ILLUSION of choice. Life uh…finds a way!
What do you think of these commanders?