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Warhammer 40K: Dark Angels And More Coming In 2024

4 Minute Read
Dec 26 2023
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Games Workshop has announced new Dark Angels are coming and teased at even more new miniatures for 2024! Here comes the Inner Circle.

The Dark Angels were announced earlier and now we’re getting a better picture of all the new kits they are getting. Here’s what’s in store for the sons of the Lion!

Belial, Master of the Deathwing

The iconic character is back with an updated miniature. Belial has gotten the Primaris treatment with a reimagined miniature. He’s big, bulky, and intimidating with the Terminator Armour and hooded cloak. He’s still packing the Sword of Silence as well as his massive storm bolter (that might just be from this year’s Advent Engine).

You can see the extra details on the back plate and also the option to build the head with the hood down. I was also kind of hoping for a helmet option but then you couldn’t see Belial’s glare…

Inner Circle Companions



“The Dark Angels are secrecy incarnate, and the Inner Circle Companions are a mystery even to the Grand Masters of the Unforgiven Chapters. What is known is that they began to appear shortly after the return of Lion El’Jonson, safeguarding the Chapter’s mightiest heroes – Captains, Librarians, and legendary figures like Asmodai – with great sweeps of their Calibanite greatswords.”

This is a pretty neat update. I also think that there might be some Black Templar players out there that might want to convert these robed marines up as well. And speaking of conversions and upgrades…


New Upgrade Packs

If you were hoping for a way to upgrade the current Space Marine kits to look like Dark Angels you’re in luck. GW is busting out some fantastic new upgrade packs for you to use. These will give you lots of ways to make those current kits more Dark Angel-ly. It’s not just the basic Intercessors either.

So get ready for Plasma-cannon Deathwing and more from these kits. And not to be out done, there’s also a new Deathwing Assault Army coming, too:

“The Deathwing Assault army box gives you Belial himself, five Deathwing Knights, 10 Terminators, two complete sets of Dark Angels upgrades, dataslate cards, and the full codex supplement with a cover exclusive to this set.”

And finally, there’s the new Dark Angels Codex coming as well:


You can expect more news on these releases soon. For now just be aware the Dark Angels are coming in early 2024!

A Few More Teasers for 2024


GW also teased a few more things in 2024. Can you make them out?


To me, it sure looks like an Adeptus Astartes character, an Ork with Shokk Attack Gun (or some other crazy Orky weapon), and a Kroot on a Krootox (or perhaps a new Kroot-beast). But what do you think they could be?


2024 is going to be another big year for miniatures from Game Workshop!

Author: Adam Harrison
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