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‘Warhammer 40K: Darktide’ – Hotfix 1.2.22 Stops The Game From Punishing You If You Do Too Much Damage

3 Minute Read
Dec 20 2023

A new hotfix for Warhammer 40K: Darktide, live as of press time, means you’ll no longer be stopped from progressing if you hit too hard.

The Traitor Curse update is in full swing. Right now as part of the ‘Orthus Offensive’ mission players can take on the villainous Karnak Twins as they delve deeper into the heretical schemes that work to destroy Tertium. Of course, now you won’t be penalized for being too powerful. As a new hotfix, 1.2.22, deals with an issue that could soft-lock players during the Orthus Offensive.

Alongside that, the new patch deals with a host of other issues. Including seemingly requiring you to defeat the Karnak twins for penances completely unrelated to the Orthus Offensive, as well as nerfing the twins’ ability to “fart and dart.”

Find it all in the patch notes below.

Warhammer 40K: Darktide – Hotfix 1.2.22

You can see the twins in action above. And for those who have been burning through all their plasteel and are looking to hurl themselves against the twins once more, that fight is about to get a little bit smoother. For one, developers at FatShark have fixed an issue where players could be soft-locked if they did too much damage to the twins at an early phase of the mission.

FatShark has also made it so that the Twins’ escape “gas cloud” actually disappears once they vanish. Or as the dev note says: “farting and darting should now be nerfed /s.”

Here are some of the other fixes, per the Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an issue where players could remain soft-locked at the end elevator of the Orthus Offensive mission when dealing too much damage to the Karnak Twins in the double ambush encounter.
  • Fixed an issue where ongoing chain weapons special sawing attacks were not interrupted if a stealth ability was activated (e.g. Veteran “Infiltrate” or Zealot “Shroudfield”).
  • Fixed an issue where the animation for ongoing chain weapons special sawing attacks would incorrectly appear as being interrupted if activating some abilities (e.g. Veteran “Voice of Command” or Psyker “Venting Shriek”).
  • Fixed an issue where no HUD icon would be displayed for the Zealot talent “Duellist”.
  • Fixed an issue where the text in the prompt to start Interrogator hacking events could overflow outside of the intended UI.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple pocketable items would combine with each other upon being dropped on the death of the player who was carrying them.
  • Fixed an issue where the number of completed Penances shown in the Penances Summary menu was lower than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple voice lines could be played at the same time upon returning to the Mourningstar after successfully completing the Orthus Offensive special assignment.

For more, you can read the full patch notes. And if you want to face the twins, you can now, as the Orthus Offensive is still ongoing. Just know that your victory may not be as “final” as you had hoped:

Check out Warhammer 40K: Darktide on Steam

And give the twins the Emperor’s regards (chainsword to the face).


Author: J.R. Zambrano
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