Warhammer 40K: New Kill Team Balance Dataslate Now Available

Nerfs or buffs for your favorite Kill Team? Games Workshop has the rundown and free download to find out.
There’s a new Balance Dataslate out for Kill Team. Games Workshop has made some tweaks and adjustments. To find out if your team got changes check out the download for yourself.
Kill Team Balance Dataslate Download
“Kill Team is in an excellent place right now, and with the new season comes new environmental challenges that will mix up the meta. With the claustrophobic corridors of the Gallowdark replaced by precarious platforms and gouts of obscuring sea spray on Bheta-Decima, it will be interesting to see whether more gun-focused kill teams eke out an advantage over their melee counterparts.”
Kill Team Balance Dataslate
There are various changes to Kill Teams from Seasons One and Two. Additionally, there are some Core Rule changes as well as Army List updates, too.
Additionally, if you’re looking for even more info on these changes and some lessons learned GW has an interview you should check out.
“Kill Team broadly continues to be in a strong and balanced state, and only two factions have been toned down this time – the Chaos Cultists and Ork Kommandos. Several others have been lifted up to help them perform more consistently at high levels of play, based on an examination of what the top-level competitors at the Championships were not bringing to its world-class stage.”
GW does go into more detail on the changes that put in place for the Chaos Cultists. There mutations and melee power were overwhelming the competition — at least in the Championship Bracket. It’s fitting that the final ended up being a mirror match and just might be one of the reasons they got the adjustment they did. Orks Kommandos also got a nerf to their Sneaky Git and Bomb Squig as they were a tad over performing as well.
On the other end of the spectrum, the Exaction Squad got a boost in power thanks to some close combat buffs. There’s a lot of little change here and there they should help out some of the lower performing Kill Teams. Genestealer Cults Wyrmblade got a bit of a reduction in complexity in order to help them be a bit more competitive, too.
With Kill Team: Salvation poised to land very soon this Balance Dataslate should help realign the Kill Teams for the new season. So check it out and get ready to head back out there for some more Kill Team action!
Balance Dataslates are always a balancing act.