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Warhammer 40K: Paint Adeptus Mechanicus Like The Pros

3 Minute Read
Dec 6 2023

Games Workshop has a new painting video to help you get your Adeptus Mechanicus Combat Patrol painted up like the studio!

With a brand new Combat Patrol and new codex almost out the Adeptus Mechanicus is poised to make a splash. With that in mind the folks over at Warhammer Community have a new video out that will help you get your models painted like the pros. This tutorial will help you with the various colors you’ll need and give you a better-than Battle Ready look for your army when complete.

Painting Adeptus Mechanicus

This does focus on the each of the units within the Combat Patrol, however, the color scheme and techniques mentioned here are useful for an entire Adeptus Mechanicus force.

Required Paints

For me the great part about these videos is that they provide the paint lists. I know it’s a small thing but I always like seeing the full list. Honestly, the list should be in every good painting tutorial. This also shows off the exact shade of red they are using for those Ad Mech clothes. They are also going with Martian Ironcrust for the basing. Alternately you could use the classic glue + sand mix and just paint that. But really, the technical paint does save a step so it’s up to you.


Again, this covers all the models in the Combat Patrol. These techniques can be applied across the Ad Mech range. That’s because the models in the box touch just about every type of surface you’ll see in the army — from armor plates, to robes, to skin tones, and even some of the more esoteric weapons of Mars!

Get Your Paint To Mars!

For anyone looking to play Ad Mech this is a great intro video to watch to get started on your hobby journey. There’s tons of other, more advanced tutorials out there which you can find on YouTube. But I appreciate the simple and approachable presentation of this one from GW. If you have no idea on how to get started or you’re a veteran painter just looking for some tips/inspiration then watch this video.



I was a little skeptical about using Leadbelcher Spray as the base for the whole model. However, the coverage of the other paints on top of it turned out pretty good! Plus the Nuln Oil coat step just further cemented my belief that it’s made of liquid paint skill. It’s like cheating… but for painting.


Are you painting up an Ad Mech army? What color scheme are you going with?

Author: Adam Harrison
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