Warhammer: Horus Heresy – How The FAQs And Errata Updates Impact Your Army

The Horus Heresy just received a MASSIVE wave of FAQs and Errata. Your army will be impacted by these changes.
Games Workshop has reviewed and updated just about every army with the new Horus Heresy FAQs. There is a batch of changes/clarifications in the Core Rules that will have an affect on your games. A few of the main changes include an update to Reactions and a clean-up of how Graviton and Haywire apply to mixed squads. And those are just in the Core Rules.
GW touched on the Libers Astartes, Hereticus, Imperium and Mechanicum. They even went into Exemplary Battles and Legacy units, too! It’s a huge batch of updates to the game.
“Warhammer: The Horus Heresy is a game of fierce, bloody battles set during an all-consuming galactic civil war. A large number of new units and rules publications have been added to the game since its release last year, and the team has spent time poring over the vast majority of the currently published material, answering questions, adjusting values for some Legacy units, and clearing up certain rules in a series of Errata and FAQ documents.”
Horus Heresy FAQs And Errata
Core Rulebook FAQ & Errata Download
This is the main chunk of the Errata/Rules updates. There’s also an additional Rules Commentary as well as an FAQ section that clarifies quite a few other rules, too.
As you can see above, there’s a TON of things that got touched on within the Core Rules. Be sure to read them carefully or better yet download the document and read it in its entirety. You’re going to want to be update to date on these rules if you’re playing Horus Heresy.
As for the rest of the documents, they each got updates but they aren’t quite as extensive. But they are quite impactful on their respective armies.
Liber Astartes FAQ & Errata Download
Liber Hereticus FAQ & Errata Download
Liber Imperium FAQ & Errata Download
Liber Mechanicum FAQ & Errata Download
The final batch of FAQs & Errata apply to the Legacy Factions and units. From Legiones Astartes to Imperial Militia Voidjumpers, there are quite a few units that have received updates.
Legacy of the Legiones Astartes FAQ & Errata Download
Legacy of the Solar Auxilia FAQ & Errata Download
Legacy of the Imperialis Militia FAQ & Errata Download
With all these updates it’s safe to say that the entire game just got an update. Lots of these changes might be clarifications or minor tweaks but they are changes nonetheless. If you’re playing Horus Heresy we highly encourage you to download these documents and read the updates. Obviously, the core rules and your respective army should be your main priority.
What do you think of all these updates for The Horus Heresy?