Warhammer: The Old World – Bretonnian Army Building Rules

Games Workshop unleashes the rules on how to muster your Bretonnian Army with comprehensive look at what you can take.
This is big news for fans of the Old World. It’s almost time to start working on your army — but first you might want to know how you’re going to assemble your Army List. Today, GW has dropped a TON of info on that specifically. So strap in and get ready to muster your forces.
“As they have always been in real life, armies in Warhammer: The Old World are selected according to a system of ‘points’. Games do not have recommended points values – as long as you’ve got a General and three Units, you have an army. However, 2,000 points per side will make for a substantial two-to-three-hour game – perhaps involving 100 or more models each.”
Before we dive right in to the Bretonnian Army Rules, we first need to establish some Army Composition terms and rules. These will make more sense once we get a little further:
Bretonnian Army Building Rules
Kicking things off properly we have the full Grand Army Composition. Old School Fans of Warhammer might notice some key changes. Like the re-introduction of percentages to Army Comp. There are also things like 0-1 choices back as well. This should feel very familiar to anyone who played Warhammer Fantasy Battles.
Here’s a closer look at the Lords of Bretonnia. Notice how things are delineated among the ranks of this Character. You can purchase upgrades and wargear for the various versions of this character. This really opens up quite a few options for army construction for your characters.
“Options abound. You’ll note a choice of weaponry – these are taken from a larger menu of arms in the main rulebook. A morning star adds +1 Strength and -1AP in the first round of combat, and a great weapon doubles those bonuses but makes you Strike Last. A lance adds similar bonuses, though only on the charge, while a shield improves your armour save by +1.”
Furthermore you can also add a mount and there are various options for that as well. And even some more interesting options like a Hippogryph!
The Lords of Bretonnia are the top of the food chain. So what does the other end look like? Here’s a closer look at the Men-at-Arms:
You don’t get quite as many options to customize them. However you get the unit size to bolster their resolve. And they are cheap to bring, too.
Old World Grand Armies and Future Plans
“Every faction will have a Grand Army upon release – a balanced list of options from which you can pick a wide variety of units chosen from four categories shown above. There’s usually one page of stipulations, but the full range of units from each faction is available for selection.”
That also includes factions getting a PDF list for their Grand Army. So if you have one of the core armies in that will be in The Old World, you’re getting a way to play them on release.
Additionally, Grand Armies aren’t the only way to build a list. That’s where Armies of Infamy step in…
“Each faction will gradually gain access to Armies of Infamy, which provide often wildly different ways to muster a force. As a Bretonnian Lord, you might wish to enter exile – especially as it means you can then take forbidden Border Princes Bombards into battle, while those who really just enjoy Knights and more Knights may prefer an Errantry Crusade.”
So there you have it. A glimpse into the Bretonnian army and also a hint at what armies in The Old World will look like. I’m curious about those Armies of Infamy options, too. Guess we’ll have to wait and find out!
Start your list planning now. It’s about to get wild in The Old World.