A New Skywalker Rises – Mara Jade Skywalker Cosplay Steps into the Light

This assassin turned smuggler turned Jedi Master has always been a hot topic in the Star Wars Universe. It’s a Mara Jade Skywalker cosplay!
Mara Jade Skywalker is one of those characters that almost the entire Star Wars fandom agrees is awesome. Coming from the no-longer-canon Legends books, we watched Mara go from the Emperor’s Hand to a smuggler with no allegiances, to a Jedi Master, and eventually Luke Skywalker‘s wife and partner in everything. It was a long road with Mara Jade, and we loved all of it. And now the fandom is asking the same question: when’s she coming back!?
Sure, we don’t have an answer to that burning question. But what we do have is this Mara Jade Skywalker cosplay by April Gloria that looks as if the character walked right off of the page and into real life. If the subtle details and masterful prop weathering weren’t, April has mastered that Mara Jade attitude and confidence that we all love.
Mara Jade Skywalker cosplay with permission by April Gloria
“Well, what happens if you need a diplomat who can also practice philosophy, fight with a lightsaber, and levitate small objects? Who else are you going to call but us?“
―Mara Jade Skywalker, to Cal Omas
“It’s always nice to meet new people and make new enemies.“
―Mara Jade
“Which way are you going to go with it? I know both sides – I was the Emperor’s Hand and I was Luke Skywalker’s wife.” –Mara Jade Skywalker
April Gloria Cosplay
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