Age of Sigmar: Daggok’s Stab-Ladz Get A Warscroll

The Kruelboyz have a new Warband that’s getting a warscroll for Age of Sigmar. Are they worth taking to the big show?
Warhammer Underworlds: Deathgorge is boasting some new Warbands this season. One such crew is the sneaky gitz known as Daggok’s Stab-Ladz. These ladz are a bit brighter than most. At least that’s what they think. They aren’t just looking for any loot either. They are searching for “know-wotz.” Sometimes you gotta be Kunnin‘ if you wanna be Kruel.
“Daggok’s Stab-Ladz have journeyed there for a different kind of treasure – know-wotz. Daggok Finksteala has got the notion that he can become the most kunnin’ Killaboss ever to have stalked the Mortal Realms… if he can just claim enough heads and the thoughts they contain. Talk about nominative determinism.”
Daggok – Smarter Than Your Average Killaboss
That said, they are getting a new warscroll. But are they worth taking? For 70 points you get 4 models with some special rules. And on the plus side, they probably won’t cost you much in terms of Command Points to make them effective.
Again, for 70 points 4 models might not sound like much. However, each lad has 3 wounds. That’s not too shabby. It works out to 70 points for 12 wounds with a 5+ save. They aren’t super fast with a 5″ move either. But they are elite so they can at least give themselves an Order. What really make them tick are their special rules.
Outfink ‘Em makes them pretty self-sufficient in terms of Command Points. Not only do they generate their own “Finkin’ Tokens” they also can score some when your enemy uses a CP within 18″ of them. They can have up to 6 at a time and it doesn’t look like these reset each turn either. That means they could get all sorts of fun Orders during a turn.
Roar of Kragnos is the other ability and I think a secret weapon of this particular unit. Basically, if you’re in engagement range of a unit they get a chance to reduce all their melee attacks by 1. Unfortunately, it’s on a 4+ roll. So maybe it’s not as good as I was hoping.
So are they even worth taking? Again, I think for the number of wounds you’re getting for the points they could make for a nice skirmisher/speed bump unit. They aren’t going to hold down a flank solo by any means but with the tricks the Kruelboyz have they could surprise folks. They are available in all Orruk Warclans, too — so not just Kruelboyz lists.
Ideally, they’ll hang out and hold an objective and perhaps even follow-up to support a charge. With them being a unit that can spend free-CP on themselves they could stick around longer than they should. Or swing above their weight-class with all those attacks. Again, Don’t expect them to route a flank. But send them in against a tougher unit with some help and that -1 to enemy melee attacks might just pay off big time.
Download Daggok’s Stab-Ladz Warscroll Here
70 points for 12 wounds and a unit that can spend their own free-CP? Not bad, but not exactly mindblowing.