Age of Sigmar: How to Play Flesh-eater Courts

Today take a look at the basics of how to play Age of Sigmar Flesh-eater Courts – crazy, carnivore cannibals!
The Flesh-eater Courts are deranged Vampires and Ghouls who hold wild delusions of nobility and grandeur. Your army will consist of slavering ghouls of various sizes, both winged and unwinged, undead monsters, and the horrible Abhorrents who lead the army into battle. If you want to play a glass hammer that is hilarious to role-play, you’ll want to check out these gruesome ghoulies.
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Who are the Flesh-eater Courts?
Flesh-Eater Courts are the courts of madness that serve and are bound to the vampires known as the Abhorrant Ghoul Kings. Most of them are Mordants, former mortals starved by famine and desolation that trapped themselves within a horrific delusion.
Some of the courts still revere Nagash as their god and seek to please him in any way that they can, raising great churches and monuments to his glory such as the famed Corpsefane of the Nightlands. Others distrust and hate the Great Necromancer and it is these that are most often found beyond the Realm of Shyish and are usually regarded a plague upon those lands.
Why Play Flesh-eater Courts?
These gruesome guys are a lot of fun and have a variety of builds and built-in recursion mechanics. Your army is built around speed and offense, with a large amount of variable and interlacing buffs. They can be built as a horde, built with all bigger models like Horrors, or even have an all monster build.
Flesh-eater Courts Strengths
- Speed- very high base moves all around.
- Numbers- if you choose to go Ghouls, you’ll have a ton of them.
- Model recursion- with the right Heroes/builds, your units can go back to full strength almost every turn
Flesh-eater Courts Weaknesses
- Nothing tough.
- Very reliant on Heroes.
Signature Rules
Battle Traits
- Noble Deeds- Heroes earn up to 6 points by doing damage, casting spells, and chanting prayers (plus additional specific rule sources).
- Feeding Frenzy – Add 1 to Attacks for units near Heroes with maxed out Deeds.
- Muster Guard – Courtiers can spend Deed points to return models to units.
- Summon Loyal Subjects – Abhorrents can spend Deed points to return destroyed units.
- Royal Blood– friendly Abhorrants Heal(D3) in your Hero phase.
Battle Formations
- Cannibal Court– Heroes outside friendly territory at end of turn gain a Deed point.
- Lords of the Manor– any time models are returned, add an extra
- Ghoul Patrol– when alternating Fights, you may pick two Ghoul units in a row
- Royal Menagerie– once per turn give a monster a chance at Strike-First.
Featured Heroic Trait
- Cruel Taskmaster– Rally with 3 extra dice.
Featured Artefact
- Charnel Vestments- become a Priest.

Key Flesh-eater Courts Units
There are quite a few warscrolls in the battletome, so here’s a quick rundown.
Ushoran, Mortarch of Delusion
The big bad boy of the faction, Ushoran is an absolute unit. This double-casting Warmaster has a huge suite of buffs for his units and debuffs for the enemy. In addition, he is a beatstick monster in combat. Ushoran really seems to do it all. Now he is the only way your army gains mass delusion with his Epicentre of Delusion.
Marrowscroll Herald
This Harbinger can give a close by enemy unit an infected bone. This allows you to choose either buffs for Flesh-eater units or debuffs for that enemy unit.
Abhorrant Archregent
The ultimate General and a great leader for a Flesh-eater Courts army. The Archregent gets two casts and unbinds, and can automatically return multiple models per turn with its Countless Servants rule. It wouldn’t at all be crazy to use two of them.
Abhorrent Cardinal

The venerable Priest of the Flesh Eaters. He is great at pumping up your other Heroes Noble Deed point with his Rousing Oration.
Royal Beastflayers
These super characterful guys are beast hunters extraordinaire- with a suite of specifically-targetted rules. Plus- they have crazy undead baboon-ape dogs, so what’s not to love.
Crypt Ghouls
These guys put the ‘ooly’ in Ghouly and present a classic cockroach problem- they’re easy to dispatch, but there are an absolute ton of them.
Your “elite” Ghoulies. They have a neat body guard ability for Heroes and a decent debuff from their Armoury of Madness, which denies Commands to any unit that suffers damage from the Cryptguards attacks.
Morbheg Knights

Morbheg Knights are an excellent cavalry option for Flesh Eaters Courts, with excellent speed and damage. In addition, their Predator’s Pounce means they can retreat and still charge, triggering their spears extra Damage again.
Sample Army
Faction: Flesh-eater Courts
-Battle Formation: Royal Menagerie
Regiment 1
- Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist
- Royal Terrorgheist
- Royal Terrorghiest
- 40 Crypt Ghouls
Regiment 2
- Abhorrant Archregent
- 6 Horrors
- 3 Horrors
~With Noble Intent!