D&D: Start Your Year Off Right With 50 Free Battlemaps

It’s a new year, and you can kick your games off right with a bunch of new battlemaps, all free, available online from Silver Compass Maps.
Sometimes good things happen. More often than you’d think, in fact. Today brings at least one such boon. Silver Compass Maps, a mapmaker for D&D, Pathfinder, and other tabletop games, has a holiday bundle of 50 different battlemaps for D&D (or any other battlemap-needing fantasy RPG) available for free.
You’ll get a variety of environments in the bundle. From snowy wilderness to forests and coastal combat arenas. Fights on ships and in temples and dungeons. The whole works. There’s enough here to fuel your own custom campaign, or at the very least, an adventure of your own design. I don’t know how epic your adventures get.
But the point is, here’s a bunch of amazing maps. Check ’em out!
Silver Compass Maps Holiday Bundle – Free
The post comes to us via reddit, where Silver Compass Maps pointed out the free holiday bundle. What a way to start the year:
“Here is a collection of 50 free battlemaps for the holidays.
These maps represent hundreds of hours of work which I am able to do thanks to every single one of my supporters. I never thought that I would be able to support myself by making maps and I am extremely grateful for all of this!!
If you enjoy my work then please consider supporting me on Patreon. Supporters will get access to all of my watermark-free maps, gridded variants, and other map variations in a VTT-friendly file format.
If you want to see the entirety of maps I’ve ever made, check out my map archive.
Enjoy your holidays and I hope these maps serve useful in your games!”
Battlemaps can be an indispensable resource for DMs. As Silver Compass Maps pointed out, making a map takes a lot of time, and making a good/beautiful one, doubly so.
And as you can see, in the collection, there’s a huge amount of variety here. Each map also comes with variants suitable for use on a virtual tabletop platform, like Roll20, and is available through the Silver Compass Maps Patreon.
But even if you don’t become a patron, there are still plenty of free maps available. Including a new White Dragon’s Lair, the first map of 2024 from Silver Compass. The White Dragon’s Lair is extremely interesting as it is a “phased battlemap” which reflects different lair actions, including rocks falling, tunnels collapsing, and ice breaking to reveal the frigid water beneath.
Intrigued? Check out the Free Map Pack And More!
Now to put together an adventure that uses as many of these as possible.