Finally Someone is Making Starfield’s Mechs Pilotable

Starfield gets a lot of flak for many things, but the worst crime of all is soon to be alleviated. Pilotable mechs come in a new mod!
When Bethesda released Starfield last year with the promise of thousands of planets to explore (albeit many of them empty and bereft of things to do), along came several other more implicit promises. Like the promise of building your own starship. And customizing your own class.
Everything you’d want, except for piloting mechs. Which, sure, that’s not a thing that every game needs. So why the hue and cry? You can’t pilot mechs in plenty of other space games. But what makes Starfield stand out is that they go out of their way to tease you with mechs:
These mechs featured heavily in the promotional material for the game as well:
Where Hope Is Built is one of many animated shorts that introduced the world of Starfield to an audience ahead of release day. And, you guessed it, mech pilots and their ensuing battles play a central role in this short.
And post after post, screenshot after screenshot of folks longing to climb inside one of these big metal fighting robots.
Because of course you do. But in Starfield you can’t. In-game this is justified by the in-fiction decree that mechs were outlawed and so no one uses them anymore. Most especially the player character.
Until now.
Starfield Mod Boldly Goes… Into the Cockpit of a Mech
Modder Jared Kohr is hard at work breaking the decree and giving everyone access to weapons outlawed across the galaxy with a new Starfield Mech Piloting mod. This mod will let you get behind the controls of one of the many metal behemoths you’ll find littered throughout your playthrough. Hopefully, you’d be able to take it from planet to planet, adding a whole new dimension to the game.
And though the mod is still early on, it’s already promising. The mech design comes from modder m150. In the video you can see that you can already walk, run, and fire weapons; despite a few glitches here and there, everything looks like it’s running pretty smoothly.
Of course, the end result is still a ways off. But with Bethesda hard at work on “new ways of travelling” too, it looks like Starfield’s future is shaping up to be pretty bright.
Starfield is about to get a whole lot weirder.