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Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Coral Reef? Probably Not

2 Minute Read
Jan 16 2024
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Games Workshop has a new Rumor Engine out today and it looks like a Coral Reef but is it? And what’s up with this Zoat talk?

We’re back with a new Rumor Engine and even more Zoat talk. I wonder if GW is just teasing us or if this is another one of those “hiding in plain sight” gags. We’ll get into all that but first have a look at the image first.

via Warhammer Community

Rumor Engine Coral Reef?

Looking at the image it does remind me of a coral reef. But I don’t actually think it’s that. It also looks kind of like those energy webs/disbursements that you might see on a model teleporting or coalescing.

The Void Dragon is similar but it’s not quite the same.



The Yncarne also has that same type of energy but this looks a bit more flame-like.


And we haven’t even touched on the Mortal Realms in Age of Sigmar either. There’s a whole new ballpark to play in. The point is there’s a lot of things in the range that this energy-thing could be a part of. From soulfire to lightning to whatever warp-stuff is in between this really Rumor Engine could be any of that.

What’s This About A Zoat?

Now, about this Zoat talk. Here’s what GW teased:


“The Rumour Engine is chugging along nicely, and after filtering through this week’s images, this is our favourite. You’ll just have to imagine the one we saw of a Zoat.”

We could just chalk this up to GW poking fun at us because we like to overthink stuff. And Zoats are basically the new “Squats” as in they will never come back…but they could! And after the Leagues of Votann showed up I’m not ruling these sorts of things out completely. So who knows?! We might just have Zoats again. Someday.


It’s Zoat-lightning! Mystery solved.

Author: Adam Harrison
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