Goatboy’s Grimdark Armylist – Dark Angels Deathwing Inner Circle Task Force!

Today, let’s write up a new Deathwing list using the points from the new Codex Dark Angels codex. The Inner Circle do not forgive, nor forget.
You better keep your secrets close to your chest – these white-armored Unforgiven are looking for any Chaos taint that might be lurking within. I got my robes, took a vow of silence, and have a giant Mace ready to crush enemies of the Emperor. Let’s hit it!
This is an army full of Terminators and basically is using the new Dark Angels boxed set, some stuff from Leviathan, and just any other Terminator options I can find with the new Codex Dark Angels. This is a Deathwing army where you don’t have a ton of models, you teleport around the table, and just try to keep your opponent from moving closer to your zone. Part of me wants to work on one with a beaten and broken Dark Angels force. But there is so much other hobby stuff I need to do first! Most likely this would be the style of 10th Edition Dark Angels Deathwing list I would start with.
Goatboy’s Dark Angels Inner Circle Task Force – Gimme Your Secrets!
Space Marines – Dark Angels – Inner Circle Task Force Detachment
Belial – Warlord – 85pts
Captain in Terminator Armour – Deathwing Assault – 125pts
Librarian in Terminator Armour – 75pts
Chaplain in Terminator Armour – Champion of the Deathwing – 110pts
Deathwing Knights X 5 – 290pts
Deathwing Knights X 5 – 290pts
Deathwing Terminator Squad X 10 – Cyclone Missile Launcher X 2, Chainfist X 3 – 410pts
Deathwing Terminator Squad X 10 – Cyclone Missile Launcher X 2, Chainfist X 3 – 410pts
Deathwing Terminator Squad X 5 – Cyclone Missile Launcher, Chainfist X 2 – 205pts
Pts: 2000
Inner Circle Task Force Tactics
So basically, Belial is with one big Terminator brick, the Captain is with another, and then each of the Deathwing Knights gets a Character. The Lone Terminator squad stands ready to hold the backfield as needed. It is a pretty simple armylist set up. The hope is you can control the movement phase enough to be a pain in the butt. Teleport in close, be hard to get rid of, and wreck people near your chosen objective is the plan.
Plus – there isn’t a ton more beyond the box and maybe some other boxed stuff if you are looking around. I wanted to go with all Terminators. I hope we see the Deathwing Knights drop to match the current points as well as some other tweaks to help get more Terminators and other units for the army. I would love another character for the lone 5-man squad too, if I could squeeze it into the list.