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Goatboy’s Warhammer 40k: More Helpful Minor Characters Please!

4 Minute Read
Jan 16 2024

Goatboy here, and boy does Warhammer 40K need a lot more minor characters to help even the armies out. Here’s what they need to do.

We live in a 40K 10th Edition world where finding interesting combos with characters that join units is one of the “new” aspects of the current meta.  It is something I like and think is pretty awesome in the new edition.  The issue really comes in how some armies have a plethora of minor characters you can combo, while others armies well… just don’t.  So today let’s talk about how we should look at this and create some basic templates for armies.

First of all, we need to look at the poster children for helpful character add-ons with… the Space Marines. They have so many different layering pieces that you can easily find, build around, and create cool little units.  They have stacks of powerful heroes and then other pieces that help them and the group they are added to.  I talked before about the need for Command Squads to come back and love the idea of just having a ton of options to “create”.

Helpful, Not Over-the-Top Rules

First, I think we need to look at rules we would like to see get added to units.  Things that are not incredibly broken but can help stack some cool abilities. Right now, a lot of the bigger leader characters get a “game-breaking” option either by letting a unit use a free Stratagem or just something that allows for explosive damage.  The helper characters don’t need just to stack something insane on top but just give something powerful.  Things like +1 to hit, +1 to wound, and even just plus one to movement are great little rules that are helpful but not broken.

Minor Characters To Give Enhancements To

This is another important thing as we look at a lot of the game going into Herohammer style stuff. So having someone that can take an enhancement, join with a unique character, and let you get a combo you need.  I like this and think it is a great little thing and something we need to see in other armies.  They don’t have to be called Primaris Lt but could be something like Bloodmaster or Angry Dwarf Grudgedaddy.

Ways to Fill Out Those Last Few Points

The biggest thing I think that would be helpful on all armies is just giving you some extra room to fill out your points.  Age of Sigmar has those spells they can purchase and you can look at this like 40k’s way of finding something for those 50-65 points you might have left over.  Finding ways to fill out all your points beyond the Enhancements would be a great addition to the game.


Sweet Hobby Options

The other fun thing would be just giving you a single model to go ham on when painting. It would give you a reason to create a unique little leader.  Painting a whole unit can be daunting but a single model that looks cool is an easy thing to just spend your night on.  It can be easy to hobby on, and easy to paint. It’s a nice way to finish off your army when you are getting ready to go to an event.

I think all armies could use a few stacks of helper minor Characters that can join units and join units already with a character.  Just a simple little add-on would be great for every army. A cool way for GW to make a unique-looking model and just a fun addition to all these armies.  I would love to see just a simple White Dwarf release with just a list of them that can help give everyone something fun to work with.

Happy hobbying!


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