Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: New Years Minis I Want to See in 2024!

Goatboy here with what I think GW is bringing us for 40K minis in the new year.
With the Dark Angels showing up with some sweet stuff right away and Orks, Custodes, and Kroot looking like they are next in line we are going to have a pretty crazy year I am sure. Heck so much neat stuff it might make me finish building an Ork army I have in pieces. With that let’s get into what I want to see in the coming year.
Adeptus Custodes Dreams
We’ll start with Adeptus Custodes and the shadowy form we saw in the update. It looks like a new troop-based unit, and if I am a betting man, I expect it to be some kind of Anti-Vehicle option. The Custodes army feels like it is missing some things, especially with the unit nerfs we had hitting it. I hope the shadow form isn’t just a character, as I would rather have more units for the army, as their Characters feel pretty locked in.
Next, we can then look at some of the other missing Custodes units. It would be awesome to see an actual new vehicle that isn’t a FW kit. Those esin models are neat but they don’t really fit in the aesthetic of the current army. Something a little more fancy but still current would be awesome to see. Or heck, just remake that floating Castelan in plastic and watch as players buy it up.
T’au Empire Kroot Are Hunting
From there, we see that T’au Empire is going to be pushing hard into the Kroot aspects. There are a ton of models that just need a new plastic update after all these years, and creating a whole slew of Kroot dudes would be awesome. Throw in a sweet Kroot Detachment and we might get a lot of players excited to play those alien-eating monsters of doom. From there, I would really like to see either a sweet Bodygurd Crisis Suit unit or at least an assault option for the army. It feels like the T’au have been inching towards creating one, and having some cool punching suit robots with Melta Knives and murder fists would be amazing for the T’au Empire.
Orks Iz Mekkin UP Sometin
The last shadowy form is for sure an Ork and it looks like some kind of leader character. The one thing I feel from the Ork releases is that it is missing some of the weird characters we had back in the past. Things like mobs of Mad Boyz who accompany the Weird boy into battle. The lack of a true plastic Weird boy is also an issue, which I hope GW fixes with their new codex. I know the army is huge right now, but a few small things will clean it all up and let any new player grab some Orks, yell WAAAGH!!!, and wreck face.
I really don’t want to see more Squig nonsense for the Greenskins and hope it really pushes into the brutal mechanical aspects more. It also leaves me hoping we have a Buggy detachment, too, as those things are still sweet, look cool, and could use some actual love to be useful. I don’t think Orks should be paying for the crimes of Freebootas forever can they?
2024 Chaos Space Marines
Which, of course, leaves us some Chaos Space Marine stuff we haven’t seen anything about yet. I know we are missing some Chaos Lord stuff, and these new releases seem to push more leader models, so I am sure we will have a kit for them. Either the new Jump Pack Lord or the pictured Chaos Lord in Terminator armor that will cover all the other “Chaos Armies”. Heck, it might just combo all together with World Eater options in there to help cover the bases for everything. Beyond that, the only other long-in-the-tooth kits would be the jump stuff that still looks good in the Raptor/Warp Talon combo. Or maybe a rebirth of the Mutilator style kit that combos Obliterators with their old close combat cousins from the old country.
Either way, it looks like a pretty fun year with all the releases, tweaks to the meta, and new books to devour and review. I am excited about what is coming out as. Again, I feel like I need something cool to jump-start a new army that isn’t just an add-on to what I currently have.
I really want to stretch some hobby muscles so we’ll see.