Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: The Game’s Top 5 Weapon Enhancements

Let’s talk about the top five Warhammer 40K Weapon Enhancements you can add to your army. Any of these will let you chop, chop, chop your way to victory!
The older version of 40K was covered in different weapon upgrade options, and this new version is very light on these updates. It is kind of frustrating as having some cool “Daemon” Weapons and other ancient tech was one of the cool stuff in the game. Still, with fewer options, there is a hope that nothing comes out that is just too powerful. Heree’s my picks for the best ones you can get in 40K 10th Editon right now.
World Eaters Berzerker’s Glaive
This is one of the best enhancements for World Eaters – if not in the whole game. It gives your character a +D3 to Attacks and +D3 Damage which is amazeballs – especially on a Master of Execution. This can get up to 5 Damage on a precision weapon with Devastating wounds!
Orks – Headwoppa Killchoppa
This is a simple one, giving the bearer Devastating Wounds on their non-extra attack weapons. This is a pretty good ability, especially on an Ork monster running at you and ready to put as much damage into you as it can. I like the simple nature of this weapon enhancement. I think this is a good “default” way to create cool and unique weapons that are good but not over powering.
Space Wolves – Frost Weapon
The bearer’s melee weapons gain Precision and plus 1 to Strength and AP. These are all good abilities especially since GW is weirdly not wanting to amp up assault. The only big pain in the butt in all of it is that it is part of the Space Wolves detachment – which isn’t as good as say Stormlance and other fun options available to Space Marines.
Chaos Daemons – A’rgath, the King of Blades
The weapon with a sweet name, this is one of the better options to help amp up your Bloodthirster. It ass +1 to Attacks and Strength, increasing to +2 under the Shadow of Chaos! Sadly, that model didn’t get a point drop, but if you are taking one, he is most likely carrying this blade. They would be flying around the battlefield, dripping ichor, and ready to wreck any of your units as quickly as he can.
Adepta Sororitas – Blade of Saint Ellynor
This is an interesting one as it gives a straight plus 1 to Strength, Attacks, and Damage Characteristics which is all pretty good. Where it gets interesting is if they have lost a wound it goes to a +2 to all those stats. That is pretty dang awesome! This puts a Blessed Blade already at a 3 Damage, and if you get hurt ,it comes at you with a 4 Damage option that is just a bit bonkers.
I know it is shifting how I plan on playing in the coming months as I look towards messing around with all of these things.
What other weapon enhancements are pretty good?