Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: What 2024 Will Bring

Goatboy here and welcome to 2024! Pull up a chair, and chat a bit about what’s coming up for 40K as the new year get off to start.
It’s a whole fresh start on 40K nonsense, a pretty locked-in meta currently, and a few new things hinted by GW are coming in the future. It looks like the early 10th Edition stumbles we had in the last year are mostly worked out. The game is in a good place, so let’s look ahead.
LVO 2024 Is Coming Up Fast
First of all, the beginning of the year has one of the biggest events in 4ok with the LVO. I plan on being there currently, so if you see me, come say hi. I might even have a little gift for you if I don’t run out while running around the convention center in the Rio. Now, with LVO coming up, a locked-in meta, and most likely no new rules before the event, we ask the question, what are we going to see? What is going to win? Well, let me pull out my crystal ball and star into it like some kind of old wizard for the olden days.
The Current Meta Hotness
The Top 8 will consist of 2 CSM builds with an Accursed bomb and some regular good stuff brawlers. I bet there will be 1-2 Marine builds, most likely matching up the updated Lennon builds from Art of War. Those lists seem like they can hurt Accursed bombs and really are set up to outplay opponents. There will be 1-2 Necron builds utilizing the tough blobs of wraiths and a ton of C’Tans. The list is getting worked on for sure and I bet the best one will come out soon enough. It is a rough army to chew through, and it feels something like the Accursed CSM builds being one of the few solid contenders into it.
There will be an Aeldari list for sure in the top 8 but I am not sure how many will show up. A lot of the bigger names are moving on from it and I expect Necrons to be the list they might jump too. It is such a super tough build that hasn’t been sculpted yet into a more balanced version so jumping to there will be a big thing. Finally there will probably be an Ork big pressure list as they can hurt Necrons and CSM by just over powering the assault phase and wrecking things that get in the way.
We will see what ends up winning in the end – but it wouldn’t surprise me if a C’Tans make it to the finals in some way. It makes you wonder why they didn’t release the Transcendent C’Tan in a new plastic form that is removed from some giant Plastic Apocalpyse sets. It is the same with the Nightbringer being such an old kit as well.
Post LVO – The Next Balance Dataslate
After LVO will see the new Balance Dataslate update with more point changes to the offenders currently – CSM stuff, Aeldari stuff again, and maybe Necron things. We’ll see if they get enough info to make a decision on the space Robots. I am not sure how many balance changes we’ll actually see as there should be a slew of books coming that include some of the offenders. I would really like them to rethink some of the Knight options too on both sides as they feel like books that the initial bake was either too good or just not good enough to make an interesting army.
Oh – and please make the Daemon troops cheaper still. Heck make a ton of the other things cheaper because right now the army is just weird. It doesn’t work right beyond hoping your Monster mash stays alive and that is a shame.
Upcoming Models
On the models we saw in the shadows we have for sure an Ork, a Custodes, and a Kroot of some kind. Are we going to finally see a true Kroot detachment with a bunch of new rules? Are we going to see more plastic Kroot models or are we going to have a weird release like the Aeldari Corsairs? Time will only tell with this new stuff.
Speaking of new stuff I wonder what the Night Lords Killteam is going to be fighting in their new dual boxed set. Last time we saw a release like this, it had the upgrade sprue for the Dark Eldar with Adeptus Arbites in the boxed set. This makes me think we’ll get a new unit with the Night Lords. I wonder what it would be? Maybe something sweet like Dark Eldar Mandrakes for a complete shadow vs. shadow type of beat-down?
What are you excited about this coming year? Those new Dark Angels do look pretty good if I do say so.