Last Day To Get The ‘Pathfinder 2E Legacy’ Bundle

Paizo’s Pathfinder 2nd Edition Legacy Humble Bundle has been doing so well that it made a children’s charity go global. Get it today.
Pathfinder 2nd Edition has really been having its year. Not only did Pathfinder 2E get a remastered set of core rules that makes the game free from the OGL’s influence, it also saw one of the biggest years yet. An entire print run sold out in the early days of 2023, but the hunger for Pathfinder remained.
And so it is that the Pathfinder 2nd Edition Legacy Bundle came to Humble Bundle, offering almost $500 worth of books for a fraction of the price, all while benefiting a children’s charity. The bundle, and others provided by Paizo to Humble Bundle over the last year, has done so well that the founder and president of the charity in question, ComicBooks For Kids!, says they’ve started going global, “directly attributed to Paizo and these Humble Bundles.”
Paizo 2E Legacy Bundle – Final Day!
In a press release, Mark Weiss, Founder and President of ComicBooks For Kids!, said:
“This year and directly attributed to Paizo and these Humble Bundles, we are now the largest charity in not only the US, but the world (as we now have a branch in the UK) for the items we provide. We now support over 200 hospitals in all 50 states to all demographics. Moreover, we have been able to provide almost 500,000 items across the world. These items have grown from comic books to now include coloring books, action figures, funko pops, T-shirts, toys, games and yes items from Paizo too! Our indoor storage space, necessary for infectious disease controls, has grown to over 1100 SQ feet stacked with goodies to give to the children. As the executive Director, I joyfully spend 60 hours a week ensuring that goodness happens!”
And the latest of these bundles, the Pathfinder 2nd Edition Legacy Bundle, is coming to an end as we speak. With just about a day left to snag it, you have the opportunity to get all three legacy core rulebooks, as well as some of the more popular adventure paths and setting books. Here’s a look at everything you get.
Endless adventure awaits your RPG group with this Pathfinder 2nd Edition bundle from Paizo! Included are the Pathfinder 2nd Edition Core Rulebook and digital Beginner’s Box, as well as a bounty of sourcebooks, supplements, and adventure modules to keep your table busy for multiple campaigns’ worth of play. You’ll get three volumes of the Pathfinder Bestiary to keep the challenges fresh, numerous adventures like the beloved Crown of the Kobold King, and much more! Pay what you want for a lifetime of fuel for your RPG sessions and help support Comic Books for Kids with your purchase!
As is the case with all of these Humble Bundles, there are multiple tiers. You can get a 6-item bundle for $5, a 14-item bundle for $15, or for $25, you get the entire 25-item bundle, which is valued at around $464. Instead, you get it for a dollar per thing.
What are the things, exactly? Glad you asked:
- The Age of Ashes Adventure Path (All 6 Adventure Modules)
- Age of Ashes Player’s Guide
- Age of Ashes Pawn Collection
- Fall of Plaguestone and Flip-Mat
- Pathfinder 2nd Edition Beginner Box
- Pathfinder: Mark of the Mantis
- Lost Omens World Guide
- Lost Omens Character Guide
- Pathfinder 2E Bestiary, Bestiary 2, and Bestiary 3 (that’s a lotta monsters)
- Pathfinder 2E Core Rulebook
- Pathfinder 2E GameMastery Guide
- Lost Omens Legends
- Lost Omens Monsters of Myth
- Crown of the Kobold King and Flip-Mat
- Pathfinder 2E Advanced Player’s Guide
- 25% off at Humble Choice
Check out the Pathfinder 2nd Edition Legacy Humble Bundle
The bundle ends tomorrow, so get yours while you can!