MTG Deck of the Week: “Azorius Soldiers” – Citizen Militia

Check out the current trending decks in Magic: The Gathering! This week, “Azorius Soldiers” shows us why low cost is different from low value.
Welcome Magic: the Gathering players! We’re back to showcase one of the top decks of the week for competitive Magic. We have the top lists being played on MTGO, what’s winning, and the decks that won the major events this last week. So get your playmat ready, set your spindown to 20, and dive into the data, brought to us by
4 Adarkar Wastes
2 Cavern of Souls
2 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
4 Fortified Beachhead
2 Harbin, Vanguard Aviator
2 Invasion of Gobakhan
1 Island
4 Knight-Errant of Eos
4 Lunarch Veteran
4 Make Disappear
2 Mirrex
2 Otawara, Soaring City
3 Plains
4 Recruitment Officer
4 Resolute Reinforcements
4 Seachrome Coast
3 Tishana’s Tidebinder
4 Wedding Announcement
1 Werefox Bodyguard
4 Zephyr Sentinel
1 Destroy Evil
2 Get Lost
3 Lantern Flare
2 Loran of the Third Path
2 Protect the Negotiators
1 Surge of Salvation
1 The Wandering Emperor
1 Tishana’s Tidebinder
2 Tocasia’s Welcome
Deck Notes
Azorius is certainly a popular color for Standard and Modern these days, and clearly for good reason. The White and Blue combo can dish out some surprisingly beefy damage while still playing the control game. Rockstars in this deck are definitely Harbin, with his ability to let all your Soldiers take flight, and the Knight-Errant, who lets you play him basically for free and then generate value off his cast. Your opponent won’t know what hit them until it’s far too late.
MTG is ever-changing, with new busted and broken cards rising to the top. Check back in next week for the upcoming top deck.
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