Take Another Look at the Readers’ Choice ‘Warhammer 40k’ Cosplays of 2023

Which army will win the cosplay battle for “Readers’ Choice Warhammer 40k Cosplay of The Year”?
Last year, Warhammer 40k cosplays were the most viewed cosplays on the whole BoLS site. This year we have a new list of sensational cosplays to tempt your tastebuds with- from all ends of the Emperium and beyond! We’ve tallied the data, and the results are in; here are the BoLS Readers’ Choice Warhammer 40k Cosplays for 2023!

The Warhammer 40k community is known not only for their dedication to their craft but for their variety. There are cosplayers for every major army and faction, and we’re seeing five diverse cosplays at the top of the heap. But which one will come out on top?
5. Iron Warrior Cosplay Presents the Death Korps of Krieg Guardsman Cosplay

The Warhammer 40k Cosplay community’s sweetheart is back again, but not as we’re used to seeing him! Iron Warrior Cosplay has joined the ranks of the Guardsmen with a stunning set of photos. The attention to detail these folks strive for is admirable. These images look like something straight out of a history book.
The Iron Warrior goes Loyalist with this new Warhammer 40k cosplay. The Emperor approves of this Death Korps of Krieg Guardsman Cosplay.
Guess who’s back? It’s time for another epic Warhammer 40k cosplay from Iron Warrior Cosplay. This gent has been cranking out improvements to his Iron Warrior for years, but he’s finally gifted us with something new. He has created a Loyalist cosplay! We’re here to check out his newest project, the Death Korps of Krieg Guardsman Cosplay.

4. The Silent King Szarekh Cosplay is the Last of Its Kind
The leader of the beep-boop pack is back! It’s a cosplay so wicked I had to look twice to believe it’s real. I’m so excited to see more Necron cosplay coming out of the works. With the new edition of 40k in swing, I’m sure we’ll see a whole lot more of our metallic lords in the near future.
This Necron Lord sits on the Dias of Dominion and taunts convention attendees- all hail the Szarekh cosplay!
AdvertisementBiotransference seems like a bitch. To be stuck in a metal shell for millennia, never knowing if you’re going to find a way to get back into the flesh? I’d certainly be bitter and angsty, too, just like Szarekh–the Silent King. This week’s Warhammer 40k cosplay features a fantastic depiction of the Necron leader that will leave you searching for a vessel of your own!

3. T’au Cosplayer Takes Commissions For the Greater Good

This list is surprisingly lacking in Space Marines for a change, and amazingly it’s full of the Greater Good! This T’au cosplayer cranks out a variety of characters and styles of T’au for himself and other cosplayers. If you’re interested in cosplaying a T’au as well, hit him up for a commission!
They’re building an army- one cosplay commission at a time. T’au cosplays are taking over!
AdvertisementIn the world of the grimdark, many civilizations are hopeless and lost. Through the darkness shines the T’au Empire – a civilization of castes dedicated to converting the galaxy to the service of the Greater Good. We’re featuring a professional artist whose cosplay commissions help spread the Greater Good far and wide.

2. This 40K Sister Repentia Cosplay is Here to Purge Your Heretics
The Sisters have returned steamier than ever. With the Emperor’s blessings, this collaboration with cosplayer Sallozare has risen to the second spot on this year’s reader’s most-viewed list.
From Twileks to Princess Leia to Marvel’s Black Cat, this cosplayer has it all and is telling all about her Sister Repentia cosplay and more!
Subscribe to our newsletter!Get Tabletop, RPG & Pop Culture news delivered directly to your inbox.By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.This week’s cosplay throwback is to an exceptional cosplayer. Her love of galactic empires bridges Star Wars, Warhammer 40k, and beyond. Through a love of construction techniques and insanely vivid photographic collabs, Sallozare’s Sister Repentia cosplay is something fierce to behold! But beyond the intimidating Warhammer 40k character lays a whole trove of sensational cosplays.

1. Warhammer 40K’s Lelith Hesperax Cosplayer Will Kill You, But Make It Slow

This is the lady who just won’t quit! This wicked Lelith cosplay is back in the top 5 for a second year… But this time, she’s on TOP. We’ve sung the praises of this mistress of pain, so all that’s left to do is congratulate her once again- on one HELL of a badass cosplay!
The Queen of Knives is back with a masterful new Lelith Hesperax cosplay shoot.
There is something to be said for choosing your cosplay projects with care for exclusivity. While many characters in the galaxy are popular and cosplayed often, there are some characters that few are bold enough to take on. One of the most elusive of these characters is the Drukhari warlord Lelith Hesperax.

That’s all for our Readers’ Choice Warhammer 40k Cosplays. Let us know what YOUR favorite cosplays of the year were and what you’re working on for 2024!
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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