The ‘MCDM RPG’ Hits Nearly $4 Million In Final Crowdfunding Push

MCDM’s as yet untitled RPG has hit almost $4 million in its crowdfunding campaign, with a little under three days to go.
Matt Colville has a knack for highly successful crowdfunding campaigns. Starting with Strongholds & Followers and Kingdoms & Warfare, two books that set the bar pretty high for tabletop crowdfunding campaigns a few years back. Crowdfunding has led to MCDM Productions exploring all sorts of projects. From fully fleshed-out new 5th Edition classes to mass combat rules and more, MCDM Productions has made a pretty big splash in the 5th Edition arena.
And now, their own RPG is set to make it big. This was an RPG developed to let MCDM do what it does best, riff off of the good ideas in 4th Edition. Which I say only half-jokingly. The MCDM RPG will be all about heroic fantasy adventuring with a focus on tactical action. And as of press time it’s raised $3.94 million with 61 hours to go.
The MCDM RPG Breaks Records
The campaign has smashed through multiple stretch goals since its release. Including the ambitious “make a custom Virtual Tabletop” goal. Alongside it, there will be a boxed campaign setting for Valsoria. It will include several detailed booklets and adventures ready to run.
“Our goal with this box is to include a couple of 128-page staple-bound softcover booklets, one a high level overview of the whole region, the other a more detailed look at Aendrim, some of which you can already see in the Kingdoms & Warfare map.
“The box should include “several” short (32-64 pages) adventures each with their own villains, for a real sandbox experience. Along with lots of handouts that make good and immersive props.
“We would like this box set to come with a revised version of our Warfare rules, specific to Vasloria but easy to adapt to any sufficiently classic fantasy setting.“
As far as what the game is (if you missed the earlier release of the MCDM RPG crowdfunding campaign) it’s a fantasy RPG set to make you a hero from day one. It’s high-powered action with a focus on dynamic fights and cool tactics.
“A Fantasy RPG where your character starts, at level 1, already a hero. Maybe even locally famous! You might meet in a tavern, or start in the middle of the action!
“Whether you’re a group of local heroes sent to investigate mysterious goings-on in the nearby haunted wood, or famous mercenaries plotting and scheming in the big city, the MCDM RPG makes building adventures and fighting monsters fun.
Advertisement“Basically, any adventure or story you’re running in your current Fantasy RPG, you can do that in this game. Just, in a more straightforward and fun way, unburdened by sacred cows from the 1970s.”
To that end, the mechanics are pretty straightforward and play pretty fast: roll 2d6 + modifier, that’s the damage you do. You don’t miss; you don’t waste spell slots on creatures who can then save, and nothing happens.
Something always happens. Which is one of the core ideals of the game. Something interesting should always happen. Fights shouldn’t be a slog of dwindling resources.
The character design reflects this. You can see a sample class, the Tactician. It has shades of everyone’s favorite 4E class, the Warlord, but manages to be its own flavor of commander/master of the battlefield.
With a little more than two and a half days to go, the campaign seems to be on track to hit $4 million and then some.
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