Warhammer 40K: How Much Will ‘Deathwing Assault’ Cost?

The Dark Angels have a new Army Box on the way. But this one is Deathwing specific. How much will this one cost?
The Deathwing Assault box will be the Dark Angels Army Box when they launch later this year. They were teased on Christmas Day and the box itself looks packed with good stuff all around.
While we don’t have an official price the Leagues of Votann Army box clocked in at $200 when it first arrived. Will this one hit that price point? Let’s do some math to find out.
What’s In The Box?
“The Deathwing Assault army box gives you Belial himself, five Deathwing Knights, 10 Terminators, two complete sets of Dark Angels upgrades, dataslate cards, and the full codex supplement with a cover exclusive to this set.”
So we have a full list of contents. So how does this breakdown? This is where we need to do some pricing comparisons…
- Belial $45 (based on Azrael’s pricing)
- Deathwing Knights $60 (based on the current version price but subject to an increase…)
- 10x Terminators = $130 (based on the base Terminator squad of 5)
- 2x Dark Angels Upgrades $50 (based on Black Templar Upgrade Pack minus $20 because of no waterslide transfers)
- Dataslate Cards $35 (based on Ad Mech Datacard Pack)
- Special Edition Codex $90
Total Estimated Individual MSRP: $410
So what’s the price point going to be? Well, as mentioned, the Leagues of Votann box was $200. I wouldn’t be surprised if this one came in closer to $250 just based on the contents. That said, we’re a little iffy on the Datasheet Cards due to this being a Space Marine army. Those could be valued at $40 instead of $35. Furthermore, we don’t know the exact price of those Upgrade Packs due to the Black Templars version having Transfer in them.
However, we’re pretty confident in the Special Edition Codex price as well as the Terminators. Belial and the new Deathwing Knights are unknowns but we have good comparisons to gauge them by. That said, if this does come out for $200 that would be quite the deal!
To put it another way: you’re getting 15 “upgraded Terminators” and a character in the box. Along with a Special Edition Codex. That’s at more than $200 in miniatures with GW’s pricing. If this is in the $200-$250 range that seems like a good place to be.
I hear Terminators are pretty good right now…What do you think of the Deathwing Assault.