Warhammer 40K: Las Vegas Open Wishlist – What We’d Like To See Previewed

The Las Vegas Open 2024 is happening this week. Here’s what we hope Games Workshop shows off during the Preview Online.
By now, I hope everyone has marked their calendars and set an alarm. If you still haven’t here’s when things kick off:
I keep bringing this up because it’s the first major preview of the year and it’s gonna be a good one! We already know what systems are being shown off and now we’re getting into some wishlisting for Warhammer 40,000!
Current 40k Codex Roadmap
Normally, I’d kick things off with a “New Road Map!” as my first thing. But this time around we already know what’s coming…mostly. There’s FIVE new codexes coming with the Dark Angels right around the corner. So let’s get into what else we’re wanting to see.
More Orks!
This should be pretty obvious as the Orks are the next codex up after Dark Angels. I’m hoping we see some new kits from them and maybe a look at the new Ork Codex cover.
I’m not really sure where they are going to go next with Orks however. Games Workshop started on a Beast Snagga kick and updated the range with some great new miniatures. But are they going to continue with this new direction or go back and update some of the other kits now? The Orks have an almost entirely current plastic range. So who knows!
Custodes/T’au/Chaos Marines
I’m lumping all these together because GW has them slated in Spring of 2024. I think they might be a bit far out to get any real previews but they are still a possibility. What I’m really hoping to see from the previews for these armies is just some new model teasers. I hope the Custodes get some new unit(s) to fill out their army. I hope the T’au get a full-on Kroot release (that’s been teased).
And I hope Chaos Space Marines get a better refined identity in the book. What do I mean by that? Well, now that (most) of the Cult Troops have been moved to their own Codex Supplements (Death Guard, Thousand Sons, World Eaters) I’m hoping that some of the other Chaos Legions get a better identity. I hope that the Black Legion come to the forefront even more than currently. I want Chaos Space Marines to get some serious love. But it might not be their time just yet…
New Battle Boxes
Does anyone else miss these? Just me? No? Okay. These combo boxes that featured two armies fighting in a mini campaign were always fun to me. I thought they were great intros for new players. Each player could get half and split it to start playing. If you happened to play both armies in the box then it was a like a double win for you.
I know we just came out of the Holidays and the Big Battleforce Boxes so maybe folks don’t need/want any of these right now. But, depending on the armies, this might not be out for a while. Plus, did anyone else like to read the lore in these? I always enjoyed the campy reasons GW would toss two seemingly random armies at each other. Oh well.
New Crusade Campaign Settings
Is it too soon to hope for another Crusade Campaign book? Pariah Nexus is good and all, but I wanna know about more parts of the Grimdark. These are probably some of the best lore drop books short of the novels. We get to see how events are developing and moving in the 40k universe through the lens of these books. I might be in the minority here but I like that quite a bit. Hopefully we get some new updates about the various fighting happening around the galaxy.
Emperor’s Children Announcement
Hey, this is a wishlist after all. For the Rumor Engine this week I made a joke about Zoats being the new army. First off, sure! Zoats: Why Not!? But secondly, how about some Emperor’s Children Codex Supplement news? It was such a gut punch to see Fulgrim’s updated model. I seriously thought “OMG it’s happening!” But alas, that was for the Horus Heresy. And not to take it away from the HH fans — good for them. But that was kind of a let down for mainline 40k. Also it resin instead of plastic…whatever.
Fulgrim: GOTCHA!
ANYHOW, I don’t really expect us to see any news about the Emperor’s Children this week. Which is exactly why it would be such a mindblowing tease if GW did drop hints that they were next to get a chaos supplement. Imagine some of the crazy units they could do and how the Noise Marines would get expanded…
I don’t think they’d go this direction either…
With all that said, what are you hoping to see at the LVO Preview? Give us your wishlist in the comments!
New Space Marine Primarch returns? Maybe?!