Warhammer 40K: Ravenwing Rules Previews

Codex Dark Angels is coming and Games Workshop has some rules previews for the Ravenwing ahead.
The Deathwing might be getting a new army box but they aren’t the only wing of the Dark Angels getting some love. The Ravenwing is coming to the tabletop with speed and toughness as well. What can this fighting force bring to your army? Let’s find out with a look at some previews!
Known as the Company of Hunters, this detachment grants every bike-based dream you’ve had for an army full of thundering engines and ground-churning speed antics. Board control is the name of the game, and the Detachment rule Masters of Manoeuvre makes it easy – freed from (most of) the drawbacks of Advancing and Falling Back, your troops can surge up the battlefield and worry about pesky counterattacks late
Dark Angel Ravenwing Rules Preview
The Ravenwing are perfect for use with the new Company of Hunters detachment. This allows them to really tap into their speed and put a lot of pressure on the enemy. How? Because it allows them to shoot while Advancing or Falling Back.
That expert speed allows them to really strike where the enemy is weakest. It also allows them to perform some convincing feints. Bait a charge and then speed away as your guns unload into the now exposed enemy! They also have some stratagems to help them survive as well.
The best armor saves are the ones you never have to roll for. Making your opponents miss with High-Speed Focus is a great way to save some of those bikes from having to roll saves! And then counter with some Talon Strikes of your own!
That’s not all for the Company of Hunters either. There’s some excellent enhancements to choose from for your newly minted character — the Ravenwing Command Squad’s Champion. That’s right, they now have the Character keyword and all that entails. Now you can do things like attach the whole unit to another unit. I’m sure some Outriders could use some Character support to really swing above their weight class!
Now I want to touch on one new rule that I think might be a little confusing…
Master of Manoeuver allows you to ignore the points limit for a specific unit in Strategic Reserves. That doesn’t mean you get a free unit in your army. That would be BUSTED. No, this just allows you to fit one additional unit into Strategic Reserves that bypasses any points constraints. So Ravenwing do NOT get a free nine veteran bikers in their army. Why would anyone think that? Well, because that’s what WarCom wrote:
I know I did a double take when I read that last part. I get what they were trying to say and why they phrased it that way. But that sentence made me sit up in my seat, too. I probably would have just made that two sentences and wrote something like this:
Master of Manoeuvre is a potent ability. Imagine how much havoc you can let slip when nine veteran biker that don’t count towards your Strategic Reserves points limit arrive upto a turn early!
Okay, it’s not as eye catching but it’s a lot more accurate to the rule. And a lot less confusing. Sorry if that bursts your hopes for a free unit of Ravenwing showing up for free.
One last thing to mention is that in this detachment Outriders also gain the Battleline keyword, too. That’s hopefully expected but also absolutely worth confirming. It’s biker time, baby!
Get ready for the smell of burnt rubber in the Grimdark!