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Warhammer 40K: What New Kroot Miniatures Mean For The T’au

4 Minute Read
Jan 22 2024

There’s a new batch of Kroot miniatures coming to the T’au forces. But what does that mean for the rest of the army?

In case you missed the news, there’s a BUNCH of new Kroot on the way when the new T’au Codex comes out later this year. Games Workshop showed off roughly half of the new miniatures coming which means we’ve still got quite a few units on the way.

This initial wave is also the T’au Army Set coming first as well. This is pretty fitting as the Kroot Hunting Pack will include all of the above new miniatures as well as the special edition T’au Codex. There were also a bunch of other models shown off an a tease about the way the Shapers have changed since their initial introduction into the T’au’s ranks.

There’s also update to the classic Kroot Warriors (who really needed a new kit) as well as new Krootox units and miniatures.



There’s even more Kroot on the way. But this leads us to the main point at the question posed by the title: What does this mean for the rest of the T’au Codex?

More Kroot Means …?

With the Kroot part of the T’au army getting such a major update I do wonder what that means for the T’au in the book. Are we going to see a bunch of new T’au miniatures and units in this update? Considering that we’ve only seen half the Kroot that are coming, I’m starting to have some major doubts.


If you’re a fan of the T’au I wouldn’t expect a ton of new T’au suits or unit updates. The Kroot are part of the army and they are getting a lot of (much needed) love here. I think a lot of the development went into the new Kroot and I doubt you’re going to get another version of something like stealth suits or a new T’au Commander Suit.

Having said that, I don’t want to rule out any new T’au models completely. I could see GW squeezing in a character or two. Ethereals in particular come to mind. Or maybe a Cadre Fireblade. I could even see some sort of hybrid T’au commander that works closer with the Kroot.

The point is that this is going to be a very Kroot heavy release for this edition of the T’au book. If you were hoping for a half-dozen new types of Suits for the T’au, well, I don’t think that’s happening. But one part of your army that has been ignored for a few editions is finally getting a massive range update and that’s a good thing. Players will even have the ability to field an entire Kroot army — and you might even be able to get your hands on the miniatures to actually play it for once!

Get ready for a ton of new Kroot but not a ton of new T’au.



Author: Adam Harrison
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