Warhammer: Kill Team – Free Hazardous Area Terrain Rules Change The Game

The Kill Team terrain of Bheta-Decima has new rules for you to use and you can download them for free right now!
Everyone loves a good Hazardous Area on their gaming boards, right? Okay, okay…I know these can be kind of niche but they do help change the game up. You’ve got to use some new tactics when you don’t have the freedom of movement you might be used to. Personally, I think that it’s a good way to shake things up even if you only use these rules occasionally. Which is why it’s nice they are a free download so anyone can try them out.
“The rules for the new killzone and its Hazardous Areas are available to download for free right now, alongside a guide to using them with the missions from theĀ Approved Ops Card Pack… “
Killzone: Bheta-Decima Rules Download
Kill Team Approved Ops 2023 Hazardous Areas Rules Download
Kill Team Hazardous Areas
The big feature change in the Bheta-Decima Killzone is the massive “waterway” you’re operatives are fighting over. Apparently, none of them can swim. Or rather the “water” is really so deadly they can’t even dip a toe in. Alternatively you could also shift the hazard away from a water feature and say it’s lava or something equally deadly. Whatever works for your campaign/games!
But in game terms what this really means is that they can’t just walk freely from one end of the board to the other. Operatives will need to climb and jump their way across those dangerous gaps. This adds some new limits on movement that make an already deadly game even tougher.
The maps included in the rules download have layouts for your missions. The yellow lines indicate a gap that an operative can leap across. These points are going to be key to control. But your opponent has this information as well…
Furthermore, there are some changes to line of sight that make things even more interesting. Due to the volatile nature of the area (violent ocean sprays, industrial smoke, or take-your-pick reason) the Hazardous Areas also cause a whole lot of Obscuring. The best way to ignore those effects is to get higher than your target.
There are even more rules to check out from the available downloads. What I think is important to remember is that these rules are there to help you create a fun game. If you’re getting a little board of your regular Kill Team games then take the fight to a new location. Thematically, these rules are fairly malleable to fit whatever campaign you’d like to use them in. I could easily see these splashed in with standard games and even Gallowdark terrain games just to mix things up.
So download these rules and get creative with your Kill Team games. If you’re up for the challenge that is…
New terrain requires new strategies. Are you up to the challenge?