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Warhammer: PSA – LVO Previews & Old World Launch Event

3 Minute Read
Jan 15 2024

This week is going to be jam packed with previews and reveals. So how about quick reminder of when to tune in!

We knew that the Warhammer Preview Online was coming to the Las Vegas Open this week. What we didn’t expect was another big reveal was also coming this weekend, too. So get your calendar’s out and set some alarms for the following dates.

Las Vegas Open 2024

The Las Vegas Open 2024 preview is happening Thursday 18th/Friday 19th depending on your time zone. Check the times above for more info. We also know what game systems are going to be featured:

Now, if you thought “Hey, that’s odd — there’s no Warhammer: The Old World and it’s the launch weekend, what gives?” First off, good on you for noticing. Secondly, GW thought of that, too.

Luckily, they also made some plans for such a thing.

Warhammer: The Old World Launch Event

via Warhammer Community


“We’ve also got some further exciting reveals this week. Those lucky enough to attend the Warhammer: The Old World launch event at Warhammer World in Nottingham this weekend will get the first look at the next army due for release! And for those who can’t make it to Nottingham, we’ll have the details here on Warhammer Community.”

Yep! Not only will we see some more reveals this week but Games Workshop is also going to announce the NEXT army re-releasing for Warhammer: The Old World! I wonder who’s going to get announced. At least we know which armies are in contention:

We can take the Bretonnians and Tomb Kings off the list which leaves us with the following armies:

  • Empire
  • High Elves
  • Wood Elves
  • Dwarves
  • Orc & Goblins
  • Beastmen of Chaos
  • Warriors of Chaos

Personally, I’d like to see some Warriors of Chaos news. But maybe that’s just me. I’d also settle for some High Elves, too. There’s also the slim chance that GW just drops a completely new army out of nowhere for The Old World. Which…there’s a few a I could see make an appearance. Still hoping we see a pirate themed expansion featuring the Vampires vs Dark Elves on the seas…


What army do you hope Games Workshop announces for The Old World launch event? Chime in with our comments to let us know!


LVO Previews AND Old World launch news? It’s gonna be a good week.

Author: Adam Harrison
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