Warhammer The Old World: Five Things We’d Like To See In 2024

As we return to The World That Was… The Old World, there are a few things we’d like to see.
This month sees the release of Warhammer: The Old World. In essence, this is a grand re-launch of old classic Warhammer Fantasy Battles, a game that has not seen support in nearly a decade. Thanks to the great almanacs GW has been putting out, we have a pretty good idea of what the game’s release is going to look like. Overall, the game looks great and seems to be bringing back a ton of the best ideas from games of the past. However the release of a new game isn’t the end, indeed it’s what comes after this is often most important. So today, let’s take a look at some non-rules things we want to see from the game this year.
5. Real Continued Support
Look, this might seem a bit silly, but really the first and most important thing we want to see is for the game to be supported. Not all tabletop games get a ton of support after they are launched. Some have a nice splash release that gets you going, and then you don’t get a second wave for a year. Sometimes never. The Old World, however, is a huge game, and there are a lot of models that need to come out/get rereleased. This game has the potential to be huge, but a lot of that is going to depend on GW supporting it in the early days.
4. Awesome Boxes For Other Armies
The game is starting out with a couple of big nice box sets for Tomb Kings and Bretonnia. Based on what we can see, both of these sets seem like a great deal. You might even be getting a better price on these models than you would have ten years ago – SHOCKING! However, they only represent two of the nine core factions in the game. As it stands, they also seem to be the only way to get core units for your army right now. So we’d really like to see more boxes like this (I don’t know if they all need to have the rule book) coming out for the other factions. And we’d really like to see them come soon. Ideally, before July, but certainly before the end of the year, we need to have access to the core armies of the game. Every player who chooses to enter The Old World deserves to have an easy way to start up their chosen faction.
3. More New Models
Re-releasing old models is a great move. Some of these are classics, and it’s a good way to spin up the game quickly. However, we do also want to see some new models come out. After all, a few of the old WFB sculpts are a bit dated (even if some are… ahem.. pretty metal). Now, we are getting some brand new models for the game, including a classic multi-party infantry kit. The new models look great and have been teased for a while. However, so far, we’ve only seen hints of new models for the two release factions. We are really hoping to see some new models for each of the other factions as well, even just hints!
2. Hope For The Legacy Armies
Not all of the old WFB armies are coming back to The Old World. A good chunk of the armies, normally ones that still have a lot of AoS support, are no longer considered core. These Legacy armies are going to get what sounds like a quick and dirty set of PDF rules to play with, and that’s it. And look, it makes sense to focus on a smaller set of factions when doing a big release like this. However, it also means some of the most popular and iconic WFB factions aren’t coming back. At least for now. There is some hope that in the future, we will see this change. GW has hinted that they will eventually be advancing the story of the World of Legend. This gives room for some factions to start coming back. As we get closer to The Great War Against Chaos it seems likely well get deamons of some kind. Anyway, some news on this front would be great once the game is out for real.
1. Grand Cathay & Kislev
When the Old World was announced four years ago we heard a lot about Kislev and Grand Cathay. GW kind of lead a lot of the early Old World news with them, even showing off concept art and renders. Kislev features pretty prominently on the map. They also play a very major role in the events of this time period. However, over the past few years, GW stopped talking about them. Neither is listed as one of the core factions, and we have no idea if they will come to the game at all. A lot of the concept art for these factions seems to have actually been for Warhammer: Total War III.
However, we aren’t quite ready to let this dream die. The release of some full-on brand new armies would be huge for The Old World. It would not only be a big sign of GWs support, but also help to really set it apart from just being a WFB rehash. I’m still pretty hopeful that Kislev at least, given the setting, is coming at some point. So we are really hoping to get some news about these factions this year!
Let us know what things you’d like to see this year, down in the comments!