Warhammer: The Old World – ‘Legacy Faction’ Support But With A Twist

Games Workshop has announced which “Legacy Factions” will receive Old World rules. However there is a catch with using these armies.
Today we’ve got a bit of a mixed bag of good and bad news from Games Workshop regarding Warhammer: The Old World. There will be rules released for more factions than the nine that are currently in the game. However, these other armies are considered Legacy Factions and won’t get on going support. And you might have some issues running them at a tournament…
“A few of the factions from the previous Warhammer Fantasy Battle game will not feature in Warhammer: The Old World – this is in terms of game rules, model ranges, and the ongoing background narrative. These ‘Legacy’ factions will however get free, downloadable army lists so people can try out the new system using their older model collections. More about this in the coming weeks, though please note that they won’t be considered legal for tournaments, and won’t receive ongoing support. “
Legacy Factions Of The Old World
The good news is that GW will be putting out these initial rules for these seven factions. However, don’t expect a lot of long term support for these. I doubt they will get any additional rules later on and I also seriously doubt they will get any models re-released. On the one hand I’m glad to see them at least get some rules for folks that have these old armies. On the other, I totally get why they aren’t getting more.
All but one of these factions has been updated for Age of Sigmar already. Sorry Chaos Dwarfs, although they also had rules for AoS, too. Lizardmen as an example just got a pretty massive range update for AoS. The Vampire Counts have been rebranded as Soul Blight Gravelords and have also had a pretty huge range update. Chaos Daemons have grown and split off to their respective faction’s book, too.
The Ogre Kingdoms got a few updates as they turned into Ogor Mawtribes in AoS as well. The Dark Elves are still technically available to use as part of Cities of Sigmar. And the Skaven are also still running strong in AoS.
All that said, I think one of the reasons GW picked era that they did for The Old World was because these seven factions are kind of dormant at this time. It just so happens that they are all conveniently are support in AoS, too. Except for Chaos Dwarves. Because they can’t have nice things.
Playing Old World Legacy Factions
If you want to bust out one of these factions and give them a spin in The Old World you’ll be able to at least play with them. Unfortunately, you’ll probably still need to rebase them for the game’s updated rules though. I could totally see the Vampire Counts army using the new skeletons and Blood Knights though. Or someone rebasing the new Seraphon miniatures for a Lizardmen army. Those new sculpts blow the old ones out of the water. I guess we’ll find out how well they rank-up though…
One final note from Games Workshop about these Legacy Factions:
“If you want to come on this long-term journey with us, the factions in the Forces of Fantasy and Ravening Hordes books are the ones to collect and play – and we want to be pretty clear about that”
Games Workshop is trying to be pretty upfront about these armies and their future support in The Old World. The fact is that they won’t get regular support moving forward. If you really want to play an Old World Dark Elves army you can — just be aware the game will be moving on while that army list will not. At least those rules will be free.
Are you going to put together a Legacy Army for The Old World?