Warhammer: The Old World – Remasters And Updates To Classic Miniatures

There was a lot more work that went into The Old World miniatures that you might spot at first. Here’s some new detail on restoring those old details!
When Games Workshop says that Warhammer: The Old World was a project they weren’t kidding around. Aside from the rules and new miniatures there was a lot of care that went into remastering the old sculpts for reproduction. We’re getting a look at just a few of the new updates for these old models and what it took to bring them back into production.
“But while we remember each and every one of these wonderful miniatures from yesteryear with all-consuming fondness, we can’t claim in good conscience that they were all smooth experiences to build. Fortunately, the team bringing Warhammer: The Old World to your tabletop had this in mind when they were pillaging the archives, and more than a few of the larger returning models have been remastered to update their details and ensure they fit together as painlessly as possible. “
Old World Remasters
As many of you are aware many of these old models were first sculpted in green putty. They are then used to create cast masters which are then used for producing the master moulds for the miniatures. Lots of these old masters had a slight loss of detail. That’s where GW’s team stepped in.
“… we had Lewis painstakingly hand-sculpt those details back into the models.
This also meant cutting them up slightly differently, as the manufacturing process for resin is different to metal. He resculpted every rivet on the Bretonnian Trebuchet, the eye socket on every skull, sharpened all manner of other details, and even added some additional work. For example, there is now an inside to the Casket of Souls! He has had a lot of fun looking at these kits and working out what best to do.”
Lewis, we thank you for your work! Not only did Lewis go back in and add detail he also got to update some of these models with new details — like the Casket of Souls. Furthermore, he also fixed some of the more difficult to build issues with these older models. He even created a new Carrion model to make it a three pack!
“He also addressed the joints on the Tomb Scorpion to make it easier to assemble and more posable – it’s now all ball joints. He created a new third variant of the Carrion based on Trish’s original two. This allowed us to put them in a pack of three, which we think better serves how people will want to use them in the game.”
I remember a lot of these old models in their old, metal forms. But it’s been YEARS since I had last seen them. With that in mind, it’s cool to go back and re-examine these models know that there was a lot more care and time spent remastering them. I kind of hope Games Workshop goes into more detail about these changes in the future with the rest of the ranges. Those talented sculptors and modelers should get some credit and (perhaps more importantly) recognition for their hard work.
The entire Old World project took a lot more effort than “going back in the archives and grabbing some old moulds.” I really would like to know all the updates they’ve managed to pull off for these old miniatures.
Sound off in the comments if you want Games Workshop to do a “show-and-tell” for all the other miniature updates they had to do!