Age of Sigmar: Do Points Drops On Large Models Even Matter?

The latest Age of Sigmar Battlescroll Update came out and some large models got points discounts…but does that even matter?
Last week we got the Battlescroll Update. It was a welcome change an many armies got many significant point drops. However, as I was going over the point updates something jumped out at me with regards to the largest models — do these point shifts even have a real impact? Do they matter? Let’s look at a few things and define what I’m referring to first.
What Is A Large Model?
I’m talking about those centerpiece models for your army…but the LARGEST ones. The ones that are north of 600 points. You know the ones:
Archaon the Everchosen – 820 Points
Alarielle the Everqueen – 800 Points
Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead – 860 Points
Morathi-Khaine The Shadow Queen – 680 Points
Archmage Teclis and Celennar, Spirit of Hysh – 720 Points
I’m not just talking about large in model size, but really I’m focusing on the size in points. You could make the case for some of the 400+ point models models, too. However, there’s a reason I’m looking at these models.
Big Models, Relatively Tiny Points Change
Let’s use Alarielle the Everqueen as our example. Before the Battlescroll she was 820 points. After the update, she now 800. That’s a 20 point drop. Out of a 2000 point army that’s a 1% points drop. Does that even help? On one hand — YES! Cheaper models/units means you can take more stuff. I’m always here for points drops because of that.
At the same time these models are SOOOO many points to start with that a points reduction doesn’t really allow you to change your list. These are models/units that you include in your army as the centerpiece. You basically building the army around them, not the other way around. Plus, you’re only allowed to take ONE of these models/units if your lists. So you only reap those benefits once.
But Points Is Points!
Let’s look at Blood Knights. They were 230 points previously, they are down to 210. That’s also a 20 point drop which, as we pointed out, was a 1% reduction. However, You might see an army with 2 or 3 units of them. Suddenly that’s 60 additional points. A unit of Direwolves is 150 points. If you suddenly had another 60 points you know what you can do? Swap out an entire unit of Direwolves for another unit of Blood Knights. That’s an upgrade!
Proportionally, it’s a much bigger impact when a 200 point unit drops by 20 points for the army. Especially if it was a Battleline unit (or one that could become one with the right General) If you were running 4-6 of them suddenly you’ve got the points for another character or an entirely new unit.
If you were capped at 2000 points and your 860 point model dropped to 820 points, congrats on your 40 point bid. Maybe you can re-work your list to upgrade a unit but it’s not like there’s a ton of 40 point units you can add (besides an Endless Spell, maybe).
Again, I’m glad to see points drops. However, the point I’m trying to make is that lots of points drops across the board for units you’re going to take multiples of is more impactful than a centerpiece model getting 20 points shaved off it. You’re already going to build around the big guys (and gals) and unless your list was already sitting on a big point bid, it’s going to be hard to use the discounts on Big Models.
Then again, part of the art of list building to reworking things to squeeze the most out them. So maybe it IS time to go back to the drawing board with these big models and rework your army. Perhaps you can also swap out a “filler unit” for a major upgrade, too!
What do you think? Do 20 point drops on 800+ point models even matter? Cheaper is cheaper after all…