Age of Sigmar: The Game’s Top 5 Centerpiece Minis

Age of Sigmar is full of good centerpiece models, but there’s something extra special about a centerpiece (unique monster) with a name and a chapter of in-universe lore. Here’s AoS’s best of the best.
Greetings, Generals of the Realms! Strategy, playstyle, and opponent are all essential factors when making your army. However, you also want to make sure your army LOOKS good on the table, and the best way to do that is with a centerpiece. While you could base your army around a mounted hero or a noble lord on foot, sometimes you want a Kaiju leading your forces. Thankfully, Age of Sigmar is full of noble heroes and villainous villains with a bit of extra mass, and to me personally, these five heroes stand above the rest for both sculpt, rules, and general wow factor. If you can add one of these to your army – you should!

Our first entry is a twofer, a pair of Dragon brothers that make the perfect Stormcast centerpiece. Whether you’re playing an army of dragon-riding knights or want a sentient lizard leading your automaton charge, either of these scaled lords is there for you. Krondys plays a bit more like a control mage, while Karazai is the aggressive battering ram, but they both make a gorgeous piece to build your Stormcast army around.

The newest addition to Nagash’s post-End Times menagerie, Ushoran is an incredible ghoulish warrior. As befits a warrior of his stature, he is a massive model bristling with details. From his deadly mace to his bone crown, Ushoran oozes his delusion onto the battlefield and leads his Flesh-Eater Courts to glorious feast after glorious feast. He’s also a monster in the rules department, and can easily turn the tide of battle for your errant ghoul knights.

The Master of Death and one of the OG “big guys”, Nagash is easily one of the best pieces to build an army around. He fits into any Death army, he’s a powerhouse spellcaster, and he’s no slouch in melee combat. While he certainly shouldn’t go toe-to-toe with the melee-focused monsters like Karazai or Kragnos, he can hold his own against most anything else, and he’s one of the best support pieces in the whole game.

The undisputed king of Destruction and a living calamity unto himself. Kragnos is an absolute monster on the battlefield. Not only is he one of the largest models ever produced, but he can tear down all but the heartiest enemies in no time. His Mace is deadly, his shield is deadly, and he can run over whole regiments in just a few attacks. If you hear the sound of approaching thunder, it’s probably already too late for your army.

The queen of mean and the new Khaine in the Mortal Realms, Morathi is actually TWO people that share a single soul. As powerful as her infantry caster form is, however, we’re focusing on the snake queen today. Giant Morathi is rightfully feared on the battlefield, both for her deadly spear and her ability to turn enemies to stone with a gaze. Probably most feared of all, however, is how durable she is. She can never take more than 3 wounds a turn for any reason, meaning it takes at least four turns to take her down. If you see this raven-haired Daughters of Khaine monster on the field, best prepare for game two.
Who’s your favorite AoS centerpiece mini?