D&D: Five Infamous Lichs Who Aren’t Vecna

Vecna might be a powerful lich, but he is by no means the only one. Here’s five other infamous liches, to show the undead’s range.
Vecna is many things: one-eyed, one-handed, an anagram of the last name Vance (named for author Jack Vance who gives D&D its magic system)—but he is not the be-all, end-all, ultimate name when it comes to lichdom. The many worlds of D&D are populated with liches who have carved out a name and a niche in the annals of undeath for themselves.
Their names may be spat out, as curses, or whispered in terror. But they are sure to be known, wherever you happen to be. Without further ado, here are five liches who aren’t Vecna, but are still a blight on the lands of D&D.
Szass Tam
You might recognize him as one of the plot devices from the D&D Movie (2023), where he was definitely not being seeded as a villain that would be prepping for years to come. But Szass Tam is an infamously powerful lich. He is one of the eight Zulkirs who rule the Red Wizards of Thay, and his wickedness brought the nation to its knees. He rose to power more than 300 years ago and has plotted time and again to usurp the other Red Wizards from their Citadel in Thaymount.
At present day, Tam is the absolute ruler of Thay. And while his power is solidifying within his homelands, it is outside of it that he has to rely on the actions of others. Agents who are prone to disappointing the lich, an often fatal accomplishment, as they soon find out.
Vlaakith CLVII
Vlaakith is the undying queen of the Githyanki. Though she bears the name Vlaakith, she was not the first to hold that name. Instead, the current Vlaakith, Vlaakith CLVII, is a powerful wizard who exceeded normal limits and became a lich.
Her practice is to devour the souls of all who might one day challenge her, leading Vlaakith to devour the souls of the strongest Githyanki. It is a practice that has, for better or worse, served her well, as Vlaakith CLVII has ruled the Githyanki for more than 1,000 years.
The original lich who would later become a demilich. Acererak is a plane-hopping lich whose sobriquet, Acererak the Eternal, invites adventurers to find their doom at his design. Claiming to know the secret to true immortality, this lich stands out among others, because, unlike every other name on this list, Acererak has never tried to ascend to godhood.
To usurp it? To control it, perhaps. But Acererak never sought that immortal crown for himself. Instead, he is most famous for having built the legendary Tomb of Horrors, a dungeon that claims victims to this very day.
Eradnis Vol
Known as Lady Illmarrow, or the Lich Queen of Eberron, Eradnis Vol is the last heir of the House of Vol. She is a half-dragon with an immensely powerful Dragonmark. She also is considered dead by most of the people in her House. Of course, this is a lie. While it is true that Eradnis Vol died, she was brought back as a lich, and has been secretly manipulating the face of Eberron from the shadows.
With her talons controlling the Blood of Vol and many within the Order of the Emerald Claw, the power that Vol wields in secrecy allows her to further her own goals, which often span centuries. Her sole goal is to become the Queen of Death, replacing those in power with undying servants loyal to her.
Iriolarthas once ruled the flying Netherese city of Ythryn. And after the fall of Netheril, he rules the fallen city of Ythryn. There, he haunts its hauls, a demilich who once reigned proudly in Netheril. However, Iriolarthas managed to survive the empire’s fall.
Iriolarthas escaped the destruction by slipping into a demiplane and for centuries ruled over the fallen city. However, Iriolarthas’ phylactery was lost during the collapse of the city, and the lich knew that as the centuries rolled on, his body would deteriorate until at last he became a demilich, hoping for more souls to reconstitute his powerful form and shattered mind.
And these are just five of the many liches out there, lurking in tombs, ready to be unleashed once more!