D&D: Medium Mounts for Small PCs

Size matters in D&D, but not always in the way you think. In the case of small adventurers? You need a medium sized mount.
Size counts for a lot in D&D. Small adventurers often have a lot going for them, but their small size makes them have to deal with a world built, in many ways, for medium sized characters. For instance, small characters cannot wield weapons with the heavy tag properly, and always suffer disadvantage when using one as a result.
But, as a rule, they can take advantage of things their larger fellows can’t. Small characters can hide more easily, fit into smaller places, and most importantly, can ride atop medium-sized creatures. Which opens up a whole world of exotic mounts that can carry you into battle.
Boars feel like a classic bit of marginalia come to life. And even if they aren’t, they definitely have that fantasy mount feel. Moreover, they make pretty good options for characters looking for something to take into combat.
Boars can make a special charge at their targets, dealing double damage on a hit, and potentially even knocking creatures prone (if they faile a save). Additionally, they are extremely resilient, and may only drop to 1 hit point insetad of 0, allowing you to keep your mount in the fight for a good long while.
Blink Dog
Gnomes riding dogs is already canon. Mastiffs are great mounts, but why not go further and get yourself one that can teleport? The best boys are blink boys and everyone knows it. Now, can they teleport you with them? That all depends on whether your DM counts you as part of the “equipment they’re wearing or carrying.” Either way, they have advantage on perception checks and can appear to you suddenly, ready to go.
Perhaps you could convince your DM to let you teach them to teleport under you, leaving you saddled up and ready to br a Cavalier at a moment’s notice.
Giant Crab
Look what’s not to love about a giant crab? They’ve got everything you like about crabs and they’re bigger. It’s an easy choice.
But what makes giant crabs especially good as mounts is their suite of abilities. Not only can they go on land and in/underwater, thanks to their swim speed, they also have blindsight. Which means your giant crab mount, which can fit in the dungeon just fine, can find invisible and hidden things for you, no prolem.
Look, there’s a reason that Eberron is so popular. And a big part of it involves halflings riding on dinosaurs. Which perfectly illustrates the plethora of mount options available to them. For instance, you could be a halfling riding a pteranodon, just like in all the official art.
Flying mounts are where it’s at. Pteranodons are especially fun because not only do they have a fly speed of 60 feet, they also have the flyby attack feature, letting them dart in and out of combat without provoking attacks of opportunity.
And you’re flying on a dino. What more could you want?
Let’s end with a classic. Wolves. Typically one thinks of goblin wolf riders, thanks to Lord of the Rings. But it is an enduring visual. Especially since most people don’t realize just how big wolves are. Plus they make for excellent combatants.
Wolves are fast and capable of coordinating their attacks, thanks to their pack tactics ability, which helps their allies hit targets, and helps wolves knock their prey prone so everyone can gather together and share in victory.
And that’s just a taste of the possibilities for Small characters!