Goatboy’s 40K Hot Mess: Nobody Fears the Tyranid Screamer-Killer

Goatboy here with another Warhammer 40K Hot Mess, the totally not feared Tyranid Scremer-Killer. Let’s see if we can fix this sad monster.
The Screamer-Killer is a Tyranid unit that got a sweet model refresh but somehow doesn’t work. I don’t think we need to make it cheap as heck, but why not update how this monster actually works on the tabletop? It is supposed to strike fear in the enemy, and while yes, it can do some Battle Shock stuff, that isn’t something anyone is scared of.
The Screamer-Killer is a poster boy for the Tyranid army for years. It is this giant scythed monster of doom that rushes forward, crushes things, and usually melts faces with hot plasma. I don’t know why it doesn’t melt its stomach with all that plasma – but it doesn’t, and it tries to throw up all over your business like some kind of drunk college student who is losing all the beer pong games.
Make The Screamer-Killer Scary
Let’s make it scary this time and something to fear. We have a few options to do this. Sure, we can make it do some Battle Shock stuff – but I find that really boring. It is something an opponent won’t worry about due to units normally dying when you give them any attention. With that, let’s shift things a bit and instead let this unit cause the Enemy to “move” if something is crushed near it. You could say it forces the opponent to rethink their position. Let’s say is the Screamer-Killer kills a model on the charge – all other enemy units within 6” have to move back 6 inches from the trauma and fear of the nasty assault. This way the Screamer can come in, wreck something, and maybe force the opponent off of an objective with its scary bulk.
Let the Screamer Killer Build Momentum
Here is an idea – if it keeps moving forward let the Screamer Killer get faster and faster as it gets closer. So first turn it could move and advance which will grant it something like extra movement next turn, extra strength as it gains speed, and maybe some kind of crushing blow option as it moves in. Turn one it is a +2 to movement, +2 to strength, and then it gains something like d6 mortal wounds when it charges the next turn. If it charges again the next turn, it continues to keep momentum and do more things as it crushes into combat. Think of it like the new AoS Ork boar dudes that go crazy, if they are always running.
How About Some Plasma Momentum
I don’t think we need to make the Plasma scream better, but why not let it do something like gain more power if more “Screamers” add their yelling to each other? Almost like the Aeldari Fire Prism in that each unit can amplify the scream to make something super nasty. Things like each one adds to the strength and Blast Profile in some cool way. Let them hivemind their way to Plasma murderous mega damage.
I like the new Screamer Killer model and think the army needs a few things that let these monsters kind of become a true avalanche of alien muscle that comes in and crushes things as they come in. I want them stalking the tabletop and be useful. There are so many in player’s collections now, it would be awesome. Heck let some of these rules show up in a cool monster detachment for Nids and bring back the old Nidzilla nonsense.